
Sugar For Facial Scrub

Instead of paying for expensive facial dermabrasion scrubs, I use fine granulated sugar! Pour your usual amount of your favorite facial cleanser into the palm of your hand, add 1 or 2 tablespoons of sugar, rub hands together, then wash/scrub your face gently. I also add sugar to my bath gel and voila, a full body scrub. Plus, use it each time you wash your hands. Your skin will feel wonderfully soft and smooth!


By frances shanks

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By (Guest Post)
January 17, 20080 found this helpful
Top Comment

I mix the sugar in honey and keep it in a jar. Honey is a natural antibiotic, so if you have some breakouts, it helps.
One of the few things I can use on my face that cleans well, but doesn't irritate.

By Morgan (Guest Post)
March 23, 20070 found this helpful

Great tip. I use baking soda. Mix one tablespoon baking soda with one teaspoon water, and gently scrub.

March 7, 20100 found this helpful

It disolves, so there's no "sand and stuff" going down the drain like some other scrubs.

November 20, 20100 found this helpful

As hard as sugar scrubs are hard to critique, it's safe to say that this tip is inaccurate. Many sugar facial scrubs take different ingredients like: sugar, powdered milk, lemon juice, salt, water, oils, and unscented soaps.


For anyone searching for a real sugar scrub recipe, I consulted a doctor recently regarding a real sugar scrub. It all depends on your skin type. I will list them now.

Oily Skin: For the oily skin recipe for the facial scrub, breaking out is more easier to domesticate. Unlike dry skin types, there's a natural oil here that allows the scrub to work correctly without irritation. Here's the recipe for a sugar-exfoliate: superfine sugar, Whatever cleanser you have (if you have no cleanser, soapy water will do for this 1 exercise), 1 tsp. lemon juice (to boost the sugar and cleanse your pores), water. Mix ingredients into a paste and apply to face and rub in gentle circles for 1-3 minutes. Splash face with lukewarm water to close pores and seal the cleanse.


Dry, Peeling Skin: Since your face doesn't have much oils to begin with, let's add some to the recipe. Without the oils, the exfoliate will damage and irritate your skin. It's like taking a cheese grater against your skin. Be kind to your face and use this recipe so that the oils will boost your exfoliate: sugar, moisturizer-lotion, water. Mix ingredients and rub on face. Allow to sit on face for 1 minute, then splash with water.


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