
AeroGarden Reviews?

Have any of you used an aerogarden or maybe a similar product? They look very interesting but they're awfully expensive. Thank you.

Hardiness Zone: 8b

By karen from Charleston, SC

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June 17, 20090 found this helpful

I gave one to my friend for Xmas. He grew cherry tomatoes.
He had to keep trimming back the tomatoes as recommended by the guide, otherwise they grow up to the bulbs. I bought the model the rep recommended for cherry tomatoes, which was not the extended hood. She said that was not necessary for cherry tomatoes.
We liked having tomatoes in early spring. They tasted OK, but not as sweet as outdoor tomatoes.
The light is on at night so you have to place in a room where you don't sleep. There is a slight noise too. He put it in a spare room.
It's hard to move it after there is water in the base.
Don't forget that these will add to your electric bills, so it's not really thrifty, especially because the cost of it is way, way more than the cost of buying tomatoes in the store. The unit was well over $100 - maybe $140. I can't quite recall.
It's an expensive hobby.
This photo is February 26, '09 in zone 5, which was frozen outside.
With organic produce available at stores year round now, it is much more economical to buy it that way.

June 18, 20090 found this helpful

My children gave me one for Christmas. It came with the herb garden. After growing them in the houseIi then transplanted them into an outdoor garden and they are doing beautifully. I also used it to start my vegetable garden which I recently transplanted into earth boxes. Right now I am growing petunias.

June 18, 20090 found this helpful

I was interested in one of these so I did a lot of reading online. I was concerned that so many users mentioned the noise of the water pump, which they compared to the sound of a noisy aquarium filter. Something to keep in mind if sound is an issue for you.


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June 16, 2009

Product: AeroGarden

Model: SpaceSaver6

Manufacturer: Aero Grow International Inc.

Is this a financially feasible product to help me get good nutrition through the winter?


Christine from Halifax, NS


AeroGarden Reviews

I have an Aero-garden, and I really enjoy the fresh herbs. I really feel I'm saving also. Fresh herbs are so expensive in the supermarket. (12/31/2008)

By Susan of Henderson

AeroGarden Reviews

I just got my aerogarden for Christmas and started it up right away. I now have some sprouts of chives, basil and thyme. Normally I do not purchase fresh herbs so this will be a bonus for the winter months for me and my family. During the summer my herbs come from my garden. Guess will have to try flowers in the areogarden in the summer time.

I also did a search online and have found that I can use the aerogarden to start my seeds for my garden in the spring. All in all, I am quite pleased with my gift and will soon have some fresh herbs to use in my cooking.

By Karyn

AeroGarden Reviews

I also got one for Christmas. My herbs are coming up already. Now what do I do? When do I start cutting them? They are smaller around than a toothpick. When will I know when to start pruning? (01/07/2009)


By kddid

AeroGarden Reviews

I haven't grown the herbs in mine yet, but have bought replacement packs for tomatoes and lettuce. I figure that is where it'll save me the most money. Does any one know how to use this with your own seeds? The packs are so expensive. (02/11/2009)

By susan

Consumer Advice Product Reviews Lawn & GardenJune 16, 2009
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