
Removing Rust Stains from Leather?

August 20, 2005

leather car seatI need to clean rust stains off leather car seats. My beige leather car seats have rust stains on them. What can I do to get them out? I tried Lexol, but it didn't work.




By sharon cross (Guest Post)
August 22, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

Whink Rust Remover will remove the rust from the leather seats. This is a liquid in a brown bottle. I have not bought any for a long time, but I would think you could buy it at Wal Mart or the grocery store.

By Deb (Guest Post)
August 22, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

Steve, I had a few large orange-rusty looking spots show up on my leather car seat. Never have figured what caused them. Kitchen-type cleaner did no good. Tried Armor-All wipes, and it took a little bit of rubbing, but it all came off. Good luck!

By Paula (Guest Post)
August 23, 20051 found this helpful

Try a product called Barkeepers Friend - comes in a can like Comet does. Find it at grocery stores. It works great on rust stains.

April 26, 20180 found this helpful

Barkeepers Friend is The Solution! Took the rust stain out of the leather carseat with just a bit of gentle rubbing with damp cloth and the powder. Judy

February 12, 20200 found this helpful

Hi there!

Which bar keepers friend product please

July 22, 20200 found this helpful

I used the powder that comes in a can. You will find it in the cleaners section. Cost less than $2. Worked really well!

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