A simple choker and bracelet can look great for adults or children, and they don't need to be too complicated to make, either.
Choker Supplies:
- hemp or jute
- jewelry clasp
- teardrop shaped bead
- small glass bead (seed bead)
- jewelry wire (any gauge you are comfortable working with)
- glue
- scissors
- wire cutters
- Cut a 3 inch piece of wire.
- One inch from the edge of the wire, use a small
utensil like a toothpick to shape a small circle in the wire. Do it again next to the circle so that you form a figure 8.
- Then put on the small seed bead on the wire and pull the end of the wire back up and twist the wire so that the bead is in the center of a circle.
- String the larger bead onto the longer part of the wire with the wider end resting on the figure 8.
- Take the remainder part of the wire that you used for the figure 8 and the seed bead, and tuck it into the larger bead. It does not need to come out the other end of the larger bead, and if it does, trim the wire.
- Take the wire that you strung the larger bead on and turn it around the toothpick three to four times, then cut off the remainder of wire. This will give you the loop to string the necklace through, so before cutting the wire, make sure the loop is big enough to get the bead onto a necklace or to string your jute through.
- In the picture I wanted to give it a natural look. If you want to do this rather than put the bead on a metal chain, you measure your neck and cut a piece of jute or hemp 4 inches longer than your measurement.
- Take your clasp and tie a knot around the loop of the clasp. Double knot the hemp and put a drop of glue on the knot.
- Do the same for the other part of the clasp. I like the hook and eye clasp with this type of project. Once the glue dries, you can trim the hemp close to the knot.
Supplies For the bracelet:
- seed beads - colors of your choice
- trumpet beads - colors of your choice
- straight pins (buy them in the jewelry section - they aren't as pointy)
- thread (beading thread works best)
- larger beads (any shape)
- scissors
- glue
- wire cutters
- Create the dangles first. Take a pin and put on a seed bead. Then put on the larger bead. Then turn the top part of the pin around a toothpick (you may want pliers to help you here depending on the strength of the pin). Create 4 to 5 dangles.
- Cut a piece of thread 4 inches longer than your wrist measurement. Tie one end to the clasp. Double knot the string and put a drop of glue on the knot.
- Then begin stringing beads.
- Use a pattern of beading. For my bracelet, I used two seed beads, a trumpet bead, two seed beads, and a dangle. Then I went back to two seed beads, a trumpet bead, two seed beads, and a dangle. I measured it so the dangles would be placed evenly around.
- Continue beading until the beads are a little wider than your wrist.
- Then tie the string to the other part of the clasp, and put glue on the knot. Once the glue dries, you can trim the string closer to the knot. Then, enjoy!

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August 12, 20050 found this helpful
Very pretty. I have done some jewelry with beads but not a lot. Can you suggest something that I can use to "string" beads onto that is like ultra strong? I am always worried about the pieces that I make breaking. One lanyard I made for a friend who fishes did break. I put it back together on wire, but am concerned about the wire breaking and possibly "coming undone". Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
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