
How Do You Keep Hair Out of The Shower Drain?

How do I stop my hair from clogging the drain in the shower? My hair that comes out in the shower is continually blocking the drain in the shower of our family bathroom? Cleaning it out is hard and often involves cleaning out some of the pipes too.


Emily from Melbourne, Australia

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
March 16, 20090 found this helpful

Sheilamay has the right idea as far as I'm concerned. If you can't find a mesh drain cover you can easily make one from a little square of window screen. Just use needle nosed pliers to turn the edges and corners down and fit it into the drain. Mine has a large-holed cover that allows hair to go into the pipes..not sure why it's even there. Maybe to stop the soap from going down! This should work for you.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 180 Feedbacks
March 16, 20090 found this helpful

I use a mesh strainer. Also, every month or so I take a piece of wire with a 1/4" crook in it. I use a clothes-hanger wire and I lower that into the drain and scrape the side, bringing the wire up each time.


I get a lot of hair and gunk out that way. The screen is the first line, the wire is the second, if that doesn't completely work I use a rubber bell-type plunger. After that, it's the plumber.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
March 16, 20090 found this helpful

Go to the local Walmart or even the dollar store. They have these little strainers that are mess and can be used--this is what I have used for years. Pick it up, wipe it clean, replace when needed. $1.

March 17, 20090 found this helpful

Hi, Emily,
These mesh hair-catchers do work! But how about brushing your hair really well before you get into the shower -- much less is likely to be shed that way.


Good luck,
Nancy in NC

July 29, 20161 found this helpful

People like me with extremely thick and curly hair, can not brush until they've showered.

October 23, 20170 found this helpful

They make all types of drain covers but the old school mesh are the best for sure!

I have curly hair & can only get a comb thru it (smoothly) when its saturated in conditioner, I use a pik comb & it catches all my strays so I can just pull the hair from it roll it up& throw it in the trash.


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