Pulled-apart zippers transform into funky hair clippies, sure to delight a girl or woman of ANY age!
Approximate Time: 15 minutes
- hair clip
- hot glue gun
- hot glue
- zipper
- Separate zipper into its two parts.
- Starting at one end, start rolling zipper onto itself and securing with hot glue.
- Continue gluing zipper into place, making loops and paisley shapes until length of zipper is reached.
- Make sure to roll the end upon itself as you did for the other end of the zipper to complete shape.
- Look for ways to bend the shapes together to make it compact and swirly; glue wherever needed to secure your desired design.
- Finish by hot-gluing hair clip to the back of your creation; adorn and smile!
By Brianna Southworth from Dutch Harbor, AK

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December 6, 20100 found this helpful
Very fun idea! I have seen zipper flowers on purses in the stores too.

December 12, 20100 found this helpful
This is sooooo cool! My girls will love one of these in their Christmas stocking. Thank you for posting it.
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