
Removing Drink Rings from Wood Furniture

Silver Post Medal for All Time! 288 Posts
October 20, 2011

White rings left by drinks on a wood table.If you have darker brown furniture and a white ring, a dab of mayonnaise on a soft cloth might fix it for you. Just rub it in and buff with a soft dry cloth. It may take a couple of times to get it done. It worked on my very old sewing machine cabinet.


P.S. Mayo works to clean green house plant leaves also. I use a soft paper towel (NOT for African Violets though).

By Vi Johnson from Moorpark, CA

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March 15, 2010

Removing white ring water marks on polished wood. The stain is caused by trapped water underneath the surface which needs to be dried out. Cover with a plain dish-towel and then point a hairdryer over the towel 15 cm from the stain for ten to fifteen minutes.



Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

September 28, 2011

Someone visiting sat a BK paper coffee cup on my brand new, unpaid for, wooden entertainment center. It left a round circle. I sprayed Pledge and cleaned, but it is still there. Can someone please help me remove this stain?

By Sandy


September 29, 20110 found this helpful
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I've heard that white toothpaste is good to get rings out, the white paste, not gel. I'm sure there are other remedies - probably has some ideas. Good luck!

October 3, 20110 found this helpful
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I read somewhere that cigarette ashes mixed with mayonnaise and rubbed on the stain removes this type of mark.

October 19, 20110 found this helpful
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This has happened to me more that a few times! I glob on mayonnaise (a lot because it will dry out when left too long), cover with a plastic grocery bag (keeps the cats out) and let sit overnight. Sometimes I have had to do this procedure twice! Wipe off & buff out. Let it sit for a week.


If you still see some lightened grain, use mayo mixed with ashes (I don't smoke so I used clean ashes from the burn pile). This darkens it. I had to do this to a whole poker table top once (long story) and you can't even tell there was water damage! This procedure was used on fresh stains only; I haven't used it on old stains.

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