Silver Post Medal for All Time! 297 Posts Reuse plastic Easter eggs:
- Keep change in them for parking meters.
- They can be used to store small wrapped pieces of gum, small toys, and crayons for unexpected waiting.
- Use them for party favors for birthday gifts.
- Make your own treasure hunt game and hide clues inside the plastic eggs.
- They can even be used to start seeds for plants in.
I'm sure there are many more uses for these little items.
By Monica from Cortez, CO
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Marty Dick
Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts March 21, 20110 found this helpful
The seedling "pots" can be placed in an egg carton so that they stay upright.

March 21, 20110 found this helpful
I put a few cat crunchy food in them and they make wonderful cat toys.

March 21, 20110 found this helpful
My granddaughter loves for me to hide these plastic eggs just like an easter egg hunt, only the plastic ones won't break so easily. She loves to play hide he eggs.
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