
Poll: How many televisions do you have in your house?

Today's poll asks: How many televisions do you have in your house? Post your answer below.

Poll: TVs

How many televisions do you have in your house?

1 (56)

2 (106)

3 (111)

4 or more (140)

none (9)


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By Evelyn (Guest Post)
May 23, 20060 found this helpful

One in the living room and one in the bedroom , for himself to watch ALL the news every night!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 233 Feedbacks
May 23, 20060 found this helpful

I was rather surprised by the number of people that have 2 or more tvs!! We have one, and one computer. I may budge and buy a small portable one, after I spent two days on bedrest and my children wouldn't sit with me! Other than that, we all watch shows together, and I make them shut it off for meals, well, sometimes! DH keeps insisting the kids could have one when they are older....but I don't plan on budging from that one!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
May 24, 20060 found this helpful

We have 2 tv's, one in the guest room and one
in the family room. I have a strict rule, no TV in
the bedroom. The bedroom is for sleeping, no


tv or computers. I just feel the bedroom is for
resting, relaxing and a get away and we usually
talk as we settle down to sleep so I would miss
our nighty talks.
I was single and lived by the beach and refused
to have a tv and I was in great shape, on the move.
Having a tv has mellowed me and I gained weight.

May 25, 20060 found this helpful

One tv is more than enough. Most programing isn't worth my time to watch. I cannot believe the hours some people waste watching the tube. If we have it on for a couple hours a day thats enough.


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