An easy way to recycle a sweater that is no longer usable into a nice child's pillow. Protect your child's head as you drive while they are in their booster seat.
1 sleeve from a sweater
batting or recycled batting from an old pillow
sewing machine
hand needle and thread
Cut the sleeve out of a sweater. If it is bigger on one end than the other then you will need to modify it by turning it wrong side out and measure the difference and sew another seam into it. Be sure to trim off any unwanted fabric also.
Fold into thirds and mark with two pins for stuffing.
Stuff the middle part first and stitch on both sides to hold it in place.
Stuff one end then the other and stitch closed turning under the raw edges so they are not showing using pins to hold it in place until you stitch it.
Take the middle section and tack it to the side while pulling it towards you so it makes part of a U. (See photo)
Tack it well enough that it does not come undone. Tack it on both ends and in the middle so it keeps it's form.
Now tack the other end the same way.
Voila, you are finished! You now have a small pillow for your young child to relax in as you are driving.
These are especially good for children who sits in a booster seat. Makes a wonderful birthday gift as well.