Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks June 11, 20080 found this helpful
Eye wear is extremely expensive these days. I just purchased a pair of glasses and the price tag was over $400.00. I would never take a chance of adjusting them myself. Take them to any optical shop and a professional will make the adjustment for free.

June 12, 20080 found this helpful
Thanks to the previous person who did post and realizes that it's not a wise idea to go at your own glasses after you've already spent so much on them. (Both as someone who was trained/employed as an Optician/Contact Lens fitter for many years as well as a long time consumer myself - any amount you pay for something is too much to take the chance of breaking them when someone like myself was employed to adjust, repair and maintain your glasses for free).
Why take that chance when all that it takes you is a quick trip to where ever you take your glasses too and they're done right?
Not to mention, training is definitely important because one example right off; once you put glue to any frame, nothing else can be done. (It won't hold a solder, not to mention the glue won't hold for very long either). May seem like a great fix but, there are so many kinds of plastics that the Optical manufacturers use that it's not going to work - let alone you have to be able to figure out exactly what the compound or exact material is before you heat it to adjust or know to do a cold adjust. And yes, those small repair kits are very handy but, I can't tell you how many people have come into any store that I've worked in or lab and have done an at home repair on any screws or you wouldn't believe what they've tried to fix. But, the cheap sets you can pick up in the dollar stores always end up messing up the screw head which does lead to the owner having to apply either super glue or nail polish to keep it from coming out or because it's been stripped - not holding tight enough and constantly spinning. (Most places won't bother fixing these kinds of fixit jobs out of sheer frustration and time. Or, I can gaurantee you that you'll be looking at a charge because of the time involved just to repair your at home "repair").
That is, if it can be repaired. Most times, they can't because they've only had a quick hold over fix it job applied.
You may not think that there's much to someone actually adjusting your glasses but, that person that looks like you could be doing their job - has to know how all of the different kind of metals, plastics and of course compounds and which ones will be destroyed by heat and which will not. Just by looking at them. (Ever seen a pair of glasses come out of the tiny glass bead heater like a melted twizzler? Happens more often than you'd think. Zyl does not work well with heat where as most frames can be heated up to be pliable and molded to each individual. It's not written anywhere on the frames which ones are made of what - we have to be able to tell by looking. We also have to be able to adjust to each person. And no, putting a frame on a table and taking the temples or legs or arms as most people call them and making them the same height - doesn't work. (Most people have different heights for their eyebrows as well as ears. And taking lenses and just popping them into another frame is not quite as easy as you'd think. Your Rx is ground and cut specifically for that frame that you originally chose. That's why we take measurements and then have to take a little time to get your glasses cut. There's very little room for adjustment unless you really don't need the prescription - then go right ahead and put those lenses into whatever frame you want too. It's your vision really and up to you if you want to see clearly or want to screw around and have the first thing that others see be a pair of badly fixed glasses that could have been done right the first time - for FREE.