
Dog Is Frightened Of Boyfriend?

I think that my dog has been abused while I was out of town. He is very frightened by my boyfriend. He runs away and won't come to my boyfriend and every time my boyfriend touches him he pees on himself. What can I do to fix this behavior?


Dominique from Memphis, TN

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By emilyisabella30 (Guest Post)
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

Trust your dog; get rid of the boyfriend.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

Who kept the dog when you were out of town? That is probably the person who abused him. Keep that person away.

By Ingrid (Guest Post)
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

This is not normal behavior. Someone has scared your dog very badly. Your instinct is telling you something is off here.

Question the person (your bf?) who took care of him while you were away. Trust your instinct. If your bf (or other person) is lying, as the guardian of your animal, you must protect your dog.


Abusing an animal is often a first step to abusing a person. Keep your dog safe from harm; and remove this person from your life. You deserve a much better friend with a good and kind heart.

By Bev (Guest Post)
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

The dog is afraid but is it of men or just your boyfriend? I would suggest you have the dog around other men and see what the reaction is.
If you put a hand above the dog's head, does the dog flinch or cower? That is a sign of abuse.

Just love your puppy and I am sure you will figure out the source of the temperament. Pets to puppy from me!

By Lynn (Guest Post)
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

Ditto Emilyisabella30
Trust the dog, ditch the dude. Anyone who abuses animals is liable to do the same. Take the dog and run girl. God bless and Good luck.

By (Guest Post)
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

If it was your boyfriend who abused him, yes I agree, get rid of the boyfriend! If it was someone who looked like him (or the fact it was a guy) and your boyfriend likes your dog, spend time together and eventually he (dog) will come around, hopefully!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

If it were your boyfriend who was watching your dog while you were out of town then definitely get rid of the boyfriend! Any human being who would abuse an animal has serious issues! Animals are smart! I have a kitty cat and if my cat doesn't like someone I listen because past experience proved she was smarter than I was!


If it wasn't your boyfriend watching the dog then you will need to do further detective work and perhaps talk to your veterinarian about how to help your poor now frightened poochie!

July 24, 20080 found this helpful

If it's only your BF he is afraid of, I would guess that you are right! I would be careful of anyone that would abuse an animal. If they'll abuse a helpless animal, they'll abuse people too. Dogs give us unconditional love and it's so sad that some people are mean to them. Just consider yourself lucky that your dog has given you a clue to BF's true nature and send that dawg to the pound - the 2 legged one, I mean! You and your best buddy deserve better.

By (Guest Post)
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

Oh yeah. Listen to your dog.

July 24, 20080 found this helpful

oo u'r dog.

July 24, 20080 found this helpful

Your dog is trying to tell you something about your BF. He is afraid of him. You should be too! Keep the dog, get a new BF.

July 24, 20080 found this helpful

I agree. Keep dog. Get rid of BF.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

Ann Landers used to say if you had to choose between a dog (or cat) and a person choose the one with the most legs!

July 24, 20080 found this helpful

I had a cat, now deceased, who HATED my new boyfriend. Well, guess what, the cat was totally right. He seemed like a nice young man and he turned out to be a very unstabile person.


The cat and I were together 14 years. 4 months with the boyfriend was more than enough! Take a deep breath and move on! (From a happily married mom.)

July 24, 20080 found this helpful

I'm pretty sure there are laws against abusing animals. Get rid of the boyfriend.

By Paula Jo Carr Mebane, NC (Guest Post)
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

God gave animals instincts. Your dog's instincts are letting you know to beware of this bf. Trust the dog and kick the bf to the curb before the bf turns on you.

July 24, 20080 found this helpful

Wanna know how u can 'fix the behavior?'....Sent the jerk packin'!!! I agree w/all the others that wrote. That dog will love u forever and u owe it to him to provide a safe, loving home(as u would a child), minus one jerk of a BF.




Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 378 Feedbacks
July 24, 20080 found this helpful

YOU are in danger here. Research has shown that abusers give warning signals, and rough treatment of pets is the biggest! He may be (likely is) quite the charmer, and will fight to get you back, but you must heed the voice of reason and end that relationship. He wants to control weaker things, can you really defend yourself from a man punching and smashing you? Hands around your throat? Your dog is your best friend right now, doing you a huge service!

July 25, 20080 found this helpful

Get rid of the boyfriend before he hurts you both worse.

By sharon (Guest Post)
July 25, 20080 found this helpful

First, be sure it was him who watched him. Watch for any difference between him and other men. The reason i say this, is because I have a dog who is afraid of 1 man, he never met before. He may remind him of another man. We got him at age 8 months, so it's possible. Second, if you know for sure he's only afraid of your boyfriend and wasn't before, he abused him.


Anyone who will abuse a pet, will also abuse a child and you. My X broke my jaw and beat me, thank god I finally got away and started a new life. You can too! You would never know the X was that type. So watch carefully, for your best friend's safety and yours too!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
July 25, 20080 found this helpful

The behavior will fix itself if you take care of the problem. Ditch the boyfriend. Don't close your eyes to the real problem (BF), or you'll regret it in the end. Anyone who choses to stand by after suspecting a pet has been abused and doesn't acknowledge or deal with the real problem, may need help with her own issues, but please make sure you and you pet are safe first. Life is too short to ignore the red flags.

By Dominique (Guest Post)
July 25, 20080 found this helpful

Wait a minute yal. It ain't nothing like that. My boyfriend went with me out of town. When we got back he was afraid of him. He wasn't afraid of him before we left!


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 87 Requests
July 25, 20080 found this helpful

It sounds like you already know what to do. Get rid of the boyfriend.

By Sue (Guest Post)
July 25, 20080 found this helpful

Dogs are very forgiving, and if the animal is still afraid, it must have been terribly bad for him. A man or woman that will harm an animal so that the creature doesnt forgive him, must have been very very traumatic to it. It will be a sad thing for you to even consider keeping a man who abuses animals, the next thing will be people. Abusers never stop, they go from one thing to another, being more severe each time. If you are to even consider such a trade off, I would find a suitable home for your pet and not get another one for the man to abuse.

July 25, 20080 found this helpful

more precise details would be better,
The way you have made it sound, Leads a person to believe the boyfriend had to have abused the dog while you was away, If that is the dilemma you are facing, then their is only one solution and that bases around How much do you love your Dog? Cause this puppy has a very poor chance at life.
Left in your boyfriends care for even a few mins could prove fatal and then you are ultimately to blame as well for knowingly putting the dog in harms way. Statistics also have proven that people who abuse pets are only a step away from abusing YOU or others....

However if were reading this wrong, I also had a Puppy I purchased at 6 weeks of age, the puppy was well cared for by the older lady I got her from, and the puppy was treated like a queen with all of us here, Never showed any fear of anyone till one day a Man (a stranger) came right up to her very quickly and started getting lovie with her, Well it scared her so bad she peeded herself, Ever since this she is terrified of certain men, No matter what We do she will not warm up to them, and some of these men I know to be great animal lovers, Hurts them to see the dog act this way.... So I know first hand some dogs can naturally be more fearful then others, and with certain sets of events taking place can set off a fear that otherwise may not have presented itself

July 25, 20080 found this helpful

My boyfriend loves Kaliko. Kaliko is better now. He isn't so afraid of him anymore. he still runs when he used the bathroom on the inside of our house but he wags his tail and is happy to see us.

By Harpar (Guest Post)
July 29, 20080 found this helpful

Train your dog to get used to him and if that does not work hang out at a different place with your boyfriend. If THAT doesn't work your boyfriend and you probably are not going to work out because of stress. Good luck!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 135 Feedbacks
March 2, 20100 found this helpful

Your second post said your BF was on vacation with you? If the dog was frightened of him when you returned, really good chance that wherever your dog was kept when you were gone--a man abused him.

I wouldn't ask that dog-sitter to do it again--and if it was a couple, I'd say a prayer for the female half of that couple. If a "man" is going to beat an animal, the women and children won't be far behind.

October 12, 20100 found this helpful

My dogs have learned that suitcases mean I'm going away for a while, and the sight of one seems to make them sad. Some dogs have more reasoning skills than others, especially house dogs that get to see and interact with you a lot. Is it at all possible that the dog believes your boyfriend took you away? The separation might have been really traumatic for the dog even without anyone harming him.

Otherwise, I'd have to agree with all the other posts, and that it's possible that someone did not take good care of your dog while you were gone. If you know that other people are leaving their dogs with this person or business, it might be worth your while to ask around and make sure nothing funny is going on.


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