With the 4th of July (U.S. Independence Day) coming soon, here are ideas for saving money on fireworks or fireworks display shows as suggested by the ThriftyFun community. Post your own advice here.
Buy Right Before The 4th
We always wait until fireworks get marked down before purchasing. Most times when you wait 2-3 days before the 4th, the prices go 50-70% off. Firework packages go down in price as well so, I'd keep an eye out for when they're marked down to ensure you get what you want.
By Deidra
Buy After the Holiday
Last year I went after the 4th when they were having the buy 1 get 2 free sales (yep I typed that right) and stocked up for this year. We already have a bag full of fireworks waiting for us to light up this year!
Of course you need to store them in a safe, fireproof place.
By Kathy
See Your Local Free Fireworks
We always go to a larger city near us to see the free fireworks. We pack a picnic of snacks and drinks, lawn chairs and blankets. We have a blast!
By Shelley Hill
Avoid Impulse Purchases
Many times when I have gone to a fireworks show, or any nighttime activity (county fair, etc.), there are people selling glow in the dark bracelets and necklaces. Usually, these are quite expensive but the kids love them. What I try to do is to buy them in advance and dole them out during these events. You can order them in bulk online or even get them from the Dollar Store. As long as they are not cracked, they will last for years.
This advice holds true for food, sodas, sunscreen. Anything you can avoid buying at the higher prices is money you have saved, without sacrificing your celebration.
By Jess
Get LED Glow Sticks
Instead of old fashioned glow sticks that only last one night, invest in LED ones. There are so many new products with LED lights in them and the batteries last for a very long time.
By Stew
Stay Close to Home
We are fortunate to have several spectacular displays within a few miles of our home. There is no charge. We take a blanket and a cold drink or two and visit with our friends.
By Coreen Hart
Should You Support Your Local Displays?
We always looked out our back window of the second story and saw wonderful fireworks every year. Now we live in a high rise condo and also see wonderful fire works every year.
I personally feel that with all the hunger and price of gas so high that firework displays are a waste of the tax payer's money and should be used to feed the poor and help people pay for gas to get to work.
Last year we had several injuries from fireworks and building structural damage. I personally feel all fireworks are not safe whether they be individual or they are on a big display.
By LadyD
Avoid Fireworks And Guns
The 4th of July is just around the corner. Please, do not set off fireworks or fire off your guns. It is too dangerous. It is also breaking the law. You can be fined and/or jailed. You can burn someone's home and that bullet you fired into the air will come down. It may go through the wall of someone's home, or ricochet, and kill someone. I know you do not want harm to your family so think of others this holiday. Your careless actions could result in tragedy for someone else and in the process destroy your own. I encourage you to attend events that are planned by professionals. Have a safe and happy holiday.
Source: This advice is my own. I don't want anyone hurt this holiday or any other day.
By Linda S. from Arlington, Texas
Do you have any tips for Saving Money on Fireworks? Feel free to post them below.
By Megan (Guest Post)
July 21, 20080 found this helpful
My grandma's neighborhood organized a display. Every family pitched in $50 to buy fireworks. On the 4th, the street was lined with cars and lawn chairs filled the backyards. I'm not sure how much money they raised, but they had enough fireworks to last about 2 hours. It was a lot of fun and really neat to see a neighborhood come together like that.
On the other hand, they are dangerous and not very green. I have mixed feelings about them.

Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 59 Requests June 23, 20130 found this helpful
Just an FYI...If you live in Ohio it's illegal for residents to shoot off fireworks.