- 1 package each (red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo) of tri-beads
- red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo
- 1 package white 24 gauge bead wire
- 6 - 12 inches of white thread
- wire cutters
- glue gun
- Cut a 36 inch long string of bead wire.
- String one indigo bead to approximately 1 inch from the end of the bead wire. Fold the end of the wire back up over the bead and twist to secure.
- String 24 more indigo beads (24 total). Bend wire up.
- String 40 blue beads and bend wire up.
- String 52 green beads and bend wire up.
- String 64 yellow beads and bend wire up.
- String 76 orange beads and bend wire up.
- String 88 red beads. Fold end of bead wire back and tuck under previous bead.
- Shape into a rainbow.
- Starting at the top of the indigo row, tack rows together with glue gun. One in the center and one on each end should work fine.
- Do the same with each row, tacking just as often as necessary to keep the rows securely together.
- String thread through the center of the rainbow, between the orange and red rows.
Hang from the curtain rod. You now have a cheery rainbow window sparkler!

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January 30, 20080 found this helpful
This looks like something fun to do with the kids :)
My youngest loves rainbows, ao she and I will have to try it.
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