
Cats Spraying On Screen Doors?

What can I do to prevent neighborhood cats from spraying on my screens and patio doors? I don't even have a cat! Every time I wash the windows (with vinegar or ammonia) they do it again. Please help.


Debbie from HB, CA

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February 26, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

Okay, a cats urine has a high content ammonia based smell so when you wipe down the screen with vinegar/ammonia it thinks that another cat did it and wants to "one up" you and mark the territory for themselves. Wash it down with baking soda and dish soap real good.

To stop them I would put a large pan across the step of water if possible for awhile as they hate water and wont get to near it. Or if you are in a warm spot (i have snow) than a spray bootle of water at the ready to shoot at them through the open screen will stop them fast. Good luck. -Sam

February 28, 20070 found this helpful

I have a kitten who liked to climb on my screen doors, I went to the dollar store and bought a couple water guns and when he climbed on the door, I would shoot water at him. He soon stopped.

February 28, 20070 found this helpful

Don't use the Ammonia. That is what urine is! They have products out there that keep cats away from things you don't want them on. You might also put plastic up on the screen door where the cat pees. Might also wait for the cat and hit it with a water gun or gently spray it with the hose.


But do not use Ammonia -- that's what urine is!!! You are attracting him!

February 28, 20070 found this helpful

I rescued from death and brought home two wild and scared female kittens. It took me months to tame these characters and before I could afford to bring them to the Vet, they became pregnant.
Then the boyfriends showed up and arrogantly invaded my space, going as far as entering my apartment. That was when I remembered my pellet rifle. The boy friends are still alive but there now exists a dead zone around my house where no neighbor cats dare to tread.My females leave the property when they want to visit the neighbors. After the kittens are born, I will have my females neutered. Anybody want a kitten? P.S. I used rolled up balls of paper and not lead pellets.

February 28, 20070 found this helpful

Yes, but spritz the kitty in the face with the water. They hate it. It won't hurt them and they get the message quick.


Pretty soon all you have to do is pick up the water squirt bottle and they go flying!

March 1, 20070 found this helpful

This is such a GREAT website!! Thank you all for your helpful responses.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 213 Posts
March 1, 20070 found this helpful

*NEVER USE AMMONIA to clean with as this confuses cats because ammonia smells like urine & they may urinate in the area where the ammonia has been used because they think it was another cat & they are being "territorial". Vinegar is okay though.



Try spraying Window or Window Screen with a citrus scent, or pin or tape cotton balls with a citrus scent to screen.

*** During Christmas there were some posts about how to keep cats away from Christmas trees. Everyone said that perfume worked wonders. They said it made the cats sneeze & once they sneezed, they left the Christmas tree alone!

---> The recipe below works to keep cats away from house plants & garbage cans, IT WORKS WONDERS! maybe it will also work for your window screens:

* Take a bottle & fill it with any kind of alcohol, (rubbing or Vodka). add crushed red pepper or cayenne, (& if you're daring garlic powder too)
Leave this to sit for 2 days or so then strain and put in a marked spray bottle & spray on plants, garbage, or where you want cats to keep away.


*** BE CAREFUL of which way the wind is blowing, you don't want to get this in your eyes!
-----------MORE IDEAS -------------------------------

* Take a small plastic baggie, pour in dried crushed red pepper, either zip the end or fasten baggie with a rubberband, Tie a string or rubberband around the end & poke holes in plastic with a large pin, then wire, pin or rubberband this onto any area where a cat goes. Their nose is so sensitive, they will never come back!

* OR: Take a few paper envelopes. Fill with Cayenne or Crushed peppers (or maybe plain black pepper could work too) Seal the paper envelope & poke holes in it with a pin. Pin this to anywhere that cats like to pee or scratch. You could try pinning these envelopes to the screen as cats just HATE the smell of pepper!



-----> To clean up cat urine:

This is how I got rid of that nasty cat pee smell on our floor:
---> I bought OUT! pet odor neutralizer at Walmart, it works by "eating" any organic stain or odor by using a good bacteria and enzymes. it cost $4.79
The trick is to keep the "OUT!" wet so the good bacteria stay "alive" by covering with plastic wrap or an unused garbage bag. DO NOT blow dry area as this will kill the good bacteria that "eat" the stain & smell. "Out" smells like yummy vanilla, which is nice. The next day, I would repeat the application of the "OUT" product. On the third day, I would clean the area with vinegar & water. (on cement, I would use straight Cider Vinegar, but on rugs & upholstery, use diluted white vinegar) On the 4th day, I would pour plain old drugstore hydrogen peroxide the area & let it fizz & bubble up anything that's left. Do this & I can bet your cat smell will disappear!

February 26, 20210 found this helpful

Be careful about using hot or red pepper; if the cat gets it on their paws and rub their eyes, they could experience quite a bit of pain. And they can't run to wash it out like we can.

February 29, 20200 found this helpful

This gets rid of street cat odours in our doorways: dissolve two pouches of biological detergent, (used for washing clothes), in a bucket with 1 to 2 litres of warm water, make sure you have your keys and close the affected door behind you; then douse the lower part of the doorway and step with the solution; let it dry naturally. be careful you or others don't slip; this has lasted several weeks, but needs to be renewed if rain washes treatment away.


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