
Herbal Remedies for Fleas?

I would like to know if anyone has a receipe for a homemade herbal remedy for flea on cats and dogs. I do not want to use chemicals, and since I have quite a few cats. I thank you for any help you can give me. Also something for ticks would be nice.


Evelyn from GA

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By Peggy (Guest Post)
June 17, 20051 found this helpful
Best Answer

You could try a spray bottle with some Olive Oil and add a couple drops of Peppermint or Lavender essential oil. Mist the animal a couple of times and then rub the oils in with your hands. For some reason fleas and ticks don't like Peppermint or Lavender.

June 18, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

Add nutritional yeast to their food (sprinkle it on) and also pill them with a small pill sized piece of garlic once a day. Then you won't need any other treatments.

Pennyroyal oil is great; you put a dab of the oil on the base of the tail and under the neck,but it's ery strong smelling and will make the pets' eyes water and yours too. If they lick it, they will froth because it's "hot" like fresh cinnamon oil. It is not to be used around pregnant women as it can cause miscarraige.


By the way, pennyroyal oil works to repel termites as well so if your neighbors have a problem, sprinkle it around your house.

By karensbirds (Guest Post)
June 21, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

I just bathed my feral kittens then rinsed with vinegar. Do not rinse the vinegar off - just dry them - put in bathtub - vinegar does not kill fleas it just gets them off the kitten. I went in every 5 minutes and picked up the fleas (flushed them down) after 15-20 minutes remove kittens and clean tub (washing fleas down the drain). Will have to repeat but this can be used on young kittens - keep kits from draft until completely dry.

July 8, 20130 found this helpful
Best Answer

I use Texas Cedearwood oil on their coats (not any other cedar oil like western cedar as those can be toxic to pets). Texas Cedarwood oil kills fleas, ticks, chiggers, etc. do NOT put it in their food, use it externally.


Do not use garlic except externally or in very small amounts. Onions and garlic are toxic to dogs, just like chocolate, grapes and avocados.


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June 17, 20050 found this helpful

we used to make necklaces out of balls from euculyptus trees and put the leaves from the trees
in the beds of our pets. good luck.

By mscynphey (Guest Post)
June 17, 20050 found this helpful

before flea drops came out I always put a capfull of gum spirits of turnpentine in my mop water and used D.E. were my animals slept and kept them away from other animals that had fleas and I never had any problems.


I'm not using anything now and still don't have any fleas.

By Linda (Guest Post)
January 3, 20080 found this helpful

I heard eucalyptus can poison cats

By mal (Guest Post)
May 2, 20080 found this helpful

Flea Tea! Two high school girls invented it. Google it.

By Amanda (Guest Post)
May 3, 20080 found this helpful

Just check with your vet before you dose your cats etc. Also young kittens can be poisoned with some of these remedies. The cheap flea stuff at Walmart has made my cats sick. Bottom line be very careful. If it is harmful to pregnant women etc, what will it do to your cat? Now I keep my two cats in the house and fleas are not a problem.

By Sophie (Guest Post)
February 18, 20090 found this helpful

I've heard raw garlic can make cats/dogs extremely sick and even result in their death, so be aware.

November 6, 20130 found this helpful

I was also online looking for remedies for fleas for my 2 dogs and cat that I found and tried. I mix 1/2 vinegar 1/2 dish soap mix in a bowl. Spread it on their coat like soap. Rub it in like you are washing them. You will start seeing the fleas die why your pups are in the tub with the mixture still on them take a fine tooth comb and brush the dead fleas off. This should take about 10-15 mins the rinse and dry.


Then you will have to look threw the coat and get the ones that got left from the comb. There still might be a few moving. Just get bowl of hot hot water and as you go threw it, just put the ones that made it in the water and they will die. I know now that I tried this I will not be buying any pricey flea meds again. This also works for getting rid of fleas in your house. Vinegar and water mixture in a spray bottle spray, all over anything fleas will get on.


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