
Pruning a Frangipani Tree?

July 21, 2004

Frangipani Tree with pink blossoms.My neighbours want to top about 10 of my Hymenosporum Flavums. I've been told it's bad to top this Frangipani as it is likely to die within two years after topping. Is this correct?


Roger Wellsted


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,023 Feedbacks
July 21, 20040 found this helpful

The only thing I can find is on "Frangipani". No info on "Hymenosporum Flavums".

Plumerias (Frangipani) also known as the Lei flower, is native to warm tropical areas of the Pacific, especially Hawaii. This beautiful flower was named after Charles Plumier, 17C French botanist. Plumeria belongs in the plant family Apocynaceae. (This site gives info on care but no suggestions on pruning).

I also found this:

"I have found that you can start new plants by cutting a stem and placing it into the ground. It will eventually start to leaf out and grow, then the "wound" left will branch again."


Happy Gardening!

Doris in VA

By Linda (Guest Post)
July 21, 20040 found this helpful

Most trees can have what is called a crown reduction done, but not a topping. Eucalyptus get topped. I think that you should check with an arborist and if this is what can be done the neighbors who have a problem with them should pay to have it done correctly.

By Roger Wellsted (Guest Post)
July 22, 20040 found this helpful

Thank you for the feedback.

The neighbours want to pay for the topping.

My arborist says you cannot top Hymenosporums, as they'll die within two years. My neighbour's expert tree cutter says there's no problem topping these trees.

But thank you, I'll look for some more arborists to get some more opinions. I would like to help my neighbours, but not to the cost of losing my avenue.


Kind regards

Roger Wellsted

By Linda (Guest Post)
July 22, 20040 found this helpful

You might contact an arborist at the closest botanical garden.

July 31, 20040 found this helpful

Hi Roger,

Please don't top your trees! I agree with Linda to have a crown reduction and thinning, but don't top them. They will look awful over time. Take a look here.


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March 22, 2010

Where can I find information (with pictures) on how to prune a frangipani tree?

Hardiness Zone: 10a

By Alex from Ft. Myers, FL


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 147 Feedbacks
March 22, 20100 found this helpful

Pruning, care and propagation of Frangipani
The size and growth of Frangipni can be kept under control by regularly prunuing the plant. The frangipani trees respond very well to pruning. The branches of frangipani should be cut to about one-third of their size so that it can be maintained easily. The pruned branches usually result in multiple branches near the pruned ends. If you do not want any more branches, just prune the branches right back to the main trunk so that there would not be any more new branches.


As far as winter care is of Frangipani is concerned, it is recommended to protect it from cold by moving it in. Glasshouses are ideal but something like a garage should also work fine. If your plant has grown big, you should better prune it before you move it in so that it is easily handled. Since frangipani is deciduous, after the leaves of the plant fall down, the plant should not be watered. It should be kept dry.

If you want new plants from your existing Frangipani, you can easily do so just by allowing the cut branches when you prune the plant to develop roots. The cut branches should be dried out for one week in shade and then they should be planted directly into ground or pots of sand. It is advisable to water the plant only once in fortnight until roots have developed. for pictures go to-pictures of afrangipani tree,good luck.

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