
Training Bunny To Use Litter Box?

This is a question for all the bunny lovers out there. My bunny won't use his litter box. He's doing some in it but he's also going all over his cage. Anyone has tips for him to go only in his litter? Thank you!


Rachelle from New-Brunswick, Canada

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By Sarah (Guest Post)
July 31, 20080 found this helpful

Mine does the same thing. I got him this new litter box today though and it came with instructions. It says that if you put the box in the corner that he normally goes in, and then put a food dish, a water bottle, and a bed in the remaining three corners of the cage, they will pick up on it. I dont know if it will work though, my Ocher is sort of stubborn. Haha.


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August 1, 20080 found this helpful

I had a bunny long time ago and he would use his box
and I gave him treats when he did so he learned quick.
good luck

November 18, 20080 found this helpful

Put some of his own poop in the litter box.Next put white vinegar in the rest of his cage were he has peed or pooped. Rabbits really hate the smell of it.


Praise him with love and treats every time he uses his litter box. I trained my rabbit that way!

July 18, 20090 found this helpful

DON'T use vinegar! I saw where that was posted and yes they hate the smell but I think its cruel to make the place they dwell in too stinky to sand! Rabbits will keep using the bathroom where they smell the scent of their urine. The bunny urine has an ammonia smell to it and when we use cleaning products like bleach and dish detergent it leaves a clean scent to us but the bunny thinks it smells like another bunny has been marking their territory. The answer to your problem is in using an enzyme cleaner like "Out" for pets. This disinfects and removes the smell of the pet odor and then all you will have to do is keep some old soiled litter and put it underneath new litter in the potty box and your bunny will love his new potty place! They also like it if you put their hay next to the potty place so they can snack while they poop!


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