
Keeping Peacocks Out of the Garden?

How do you keep peacocks out of a vegetable garden?

Hardiness Zone: 10b

By Sam from Fort Lauderdale, FL

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November 12, 20090 found this helpful

Oooh! An easy one! Just move to zone 5! NW PA is particularly nice area with more than half a million acres of National Forest in a four-county area. You will then have a whole NEW zoo of garden-damaging critters, including white-tail deer, bear, rabbits, ground hogs, chipmunks, squirrels, mice, moles, voles, birds that strip berry bushes, and cats attempting to catch the last six.

But not to worry; your garden will be covered by snow for 4-5 months each year, so your attention will be diverted from your garden to your walks and driveway, which will, naturally, require shoveling. (In fact, there are only four months of gardening time here.) Come and join us; it's all about friendly small towns. We'll give you a warm welcome! <VBG> --shoe

November 12, 20090 found this helpful

Ok, sorry to be flippant, but get a dog. A large, mean dog, preferably one that someone's getting rid of because it liked to raid their chicken coop. Or, you could club them and eat 'em. They're great stewed, and you can sell the feathers to crafters! ;o)

Seriously, though, I would try low-level fencing- it wouldn't need to be very high, because generally, they're very spatially conscious, and don't fly that well, and it's cheap (use the plastic "hardware fabric" type- inexpensive, by the roll, and available at home centers) and easy to install. I'd suggest hanging CD's around, but I suspect that they'd either like 'em, or they'd be too darned smart to be scared by something that silly. The other option that I can see, right off the bat- get geese, and fight fire with fire, if you're rural enough.

There is nothing meaner or more territorial than geese! And if they bond with you (having had geese, I can honestly say that that's an iffy proposition, at best), they will cheerfully murder anything, including peacocks, that ventures into your yard. Including the UPS man. (Well, ok, possibly you, just when you're getting out of the car/truck, with both arms full of bags of groceries. This has happened to me. The geese always hated me. They liked my ex-husband.)
Good luck. I mean it.


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November 7, 2009

How can I keep guineas and peacocks out of the flower beds and vegetable gardens? Without hurting the birds. Thanks.

Meanma from Derby, KS



Keeping Peacocks Out of the Garden

Netting. (03/11/2009)

By Judi

Keeping Peacocks Out of the Garden

Antique-looking iron fence painted white with the zinnias poking through. BTW, netting comes in clear too. Also, deer fence. (03/12/2009)

By Kim Churchman

Keeping Peacocks Out of the Garden

I use something that shines like foil, hang plastic bags and jugs in garden, also tin cans. Also, when you see them, take 2 cans, beat them together at the bottom. It sounds like a gun. This keeps all critters away, good luck. (03/12/2009)

By kathleen williams

Keeping Peacocks Out of the Garden

Several ideas come to mind, Irish spring soap on a spear or shis-ka-bob stick, the odor is more potent to animals including deers for shrubs and plants too. Small bath bars remains from the bath placed around the garden area, human hair or moth balls on the ground. You can ask your hair stylist for your clippings on you next visit. Best to you. PS... I love this site. Sharon (03/19/2009)


By Sharon

Home and Garden Gardening AdviceNovember 7, 2009
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