
Looking for 300 Coffee Cans?

I am in need of about 300 3lb coffee cans for a scout jamboree in July about 2 weeks away. These will be used for a craft. I live in Southwestern Ontario and would be willing to pick them up in the next week or two. Thanks for your help


Scouter Bob from Ontario

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By Linda (Guest Post)
June 20, 20040 found this helpful

If you can use cans without plastic lids, #10 cans that restaurants get canned goods in are just about the same size. Perhaps you can get some restaurants to save them for you. A busy restaurant would use a lot of these daily.

By (Guest Post)
June 23, 20040 found this helpful

I live in Texas, so can't help, but you might check to see if your local newspaper has a Comunity Notices column. If they do, ask if they would run a notice so that folks who live near you can help by donating. Good luck!


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Crafts AdviceJune 19, 2004
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