
Keeping Yorkie's Hair Out of It's Face?

My husband got me a Yorkie puppy that is 3 months old. She likes her bath but she hates for me to brush her. I brush her everyday thinking she will get use to it but she hasn't. Her hair is getting matted and I need to know how to get it out. I put a clip bow in her hair but she takes it out right away. Is there anything else I can use so the hair stays out of her face?


Kathy from Edmond, OK

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November 11, 20080 found this helpful

I would suggest you clip (very carefully) the mattes. Get her a "Furminator" comb. They are incredible, and a natural bristle brush.
Also, see if there are any animal entangling products for after her bath, that might help keep her hair smooth and easier to groom. Make grooming very light weight and fun, so that you can build up her confidence. Mattes can be quite painful to deal with. Good Luck

November 11, 20080 found this helpful

I have a teacup Poodle that I bought from an out of state breeder & he was on the plane many hours longer than he should have been. He hates loud noises and I tried the bath, which wasn't too bad but when it came to the grooming, cutting, etc.


I just found it much easier to take him to the groomers and they always fall in love with him & say that he is so easy to work with, but I guess it is like a kid & maybe I just let him get away with bad behavior right away. Anyway, yes it is pricey (I live on a pension) to take him to the groomer but it saves on my nerves & my back to do just that and we are both happy.

November 11, 20080 found this helpful

Covered elastics can be used to make a "bunch" between her ears. Also, small hair clips/barrettes. Any $$ store carried a multitude of styles. Both will keep your dogs hair out of her eyes. Good Luck


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November 11, 20080 found this helpful

I agree with the idea of doggie creme rinse to help prevent matts and make grooming easier. Use a conditioner made for children if you like. If you can't afford or don't want to pay a groomer, try a "slicker" brush. However, Yorkies and other dogs whose hair hangs in their faces were made that way.


The hair doesn't interfere with your doggie baby's vision, it protects it. We owned Lhasa Apsos (Tibetan terriers, about 12 lbs) when I was a "tween" until I was 15, and never bothered our little walking dust mops with hair bows, barettes, or anything.

November 11, 20080 found this helpful

I agree with the first one I have a wired terrier mixed (make sure you know what you are getting into when you get one of them they are a handful) I just give her a bath using my daughter's suave kids shampoo. Yes she does not like it either does my daughter yes she hates getting her hair brush same with my daughter and both do not wear the barrettes why bother both hate them and I could care less.


When daughter's bangs get to long she goes to the cut and curl and a quick snip hates it too and the dog I quick do a snip snip around her eyes and in the summer the grommers for a good hair cut because of too hot.

November 12, 20080 found this helpful

Cowboy Magic is a cream that you can take a dime sized drop on your hands and massage into her coat. It has silicon in it and this is the stuff groomers and dog show people use, It will help to make the mats come out easier. There are some special brushes made to get out the mats as well.
I use the covered elastics on top of my Maltese's head (which is why my friend calls him, Palmtree). I gather his hair in one or two little bunches. He's adorable.


Sorry, I can't seem to find the picture on this computer.

By Mustard (Guest Post)
November 12, 20080 found this helpful

If you dont mind simply cutting her hair, that may be the best bet. Cooler in the summer an in the winter she probably stays inside. But when she goes out she can wear a cute sweater or something.

November 13, 20080 found this helpful

We have a Shorkie puppy - it's a mix of Yorkie and Shih Tzu. I choose for him not to have a long coat and no top knot - way too much work and he's a fun family pet not a show dog. I trim him myself (much cheaper, check Walmart online, they are about $50-$60). It took time to train myself and him but we're doing fine now. When I was learning how to trim/brush him I made a "bad behavior" sound when he was fighting me - just a sharp sound in your throat. It's stops him flat. Now when I show him the comb he smells it for a bit then turns around for me to brush him!


I need someone to hold him for me when I trim his face and feet but otherwise I do it all myself. He looks a bit like Benji, the picture was from Halloween - he's the football to my daughter's football player costume.

My suggestion for you is to have patience but definitely be the one in control. The more you allow her to behave badly the more she's in control. You're so lucky she likes her bath!

By Patty (Guest Post)
December 8, 20080 found this helpful

Cutting your yorkie's hair is fine, just don't cut any of the hair on it's snout in front of the eyes. It will grow back in and irritate your baby's sensitive eyes. Happy Holidays!

By Cassie (Guest Post)
February 14, 20090 found this helpful

Oh No! My puppy is just 4 months old and just went for his first grooming. I too wanted the hair out of his face so I had the groomer give my Dallas what they call a puppy cut and they cut the hair between the snout in front of the eyes. Is he going to be ok? I didn't know that was not a good thing to do.

August 16, 20110 found this helpful

Try a very soft brush. One that you'd use on a toddler, as yorkies have very tiny and sensitive heads. Also, use a puppy de-tangler to pre-treat the matted hair, then slowly comb out with wide tooth comb or soft bristle brush. Avoid putting any clothes on the dog (unless it is extremely cold or raining out). Also, remove harness when indoors to avoid more matting.

October 20, 20150 found this helpful

I had the same problem using all those plastic dog or cat brushes. I bought a boars hair human brush and I gently barely touch in a petting motion. I tried all the other advice. My yorkie was wild. I held her ( vet's advice) in a firm but gentle hold often. She finally loves to be brushed. She is 17 months old now. It just happened the last month or so. Before that she bit the brush etc. I do her hair like an infant. I can't get her to keep the clip in. I will keep trying and I think one day she will give up. She now cuddles a lot and is a non biter who loves people! She took forever to potty train and until a couple of months ago would stubbornly mess in a corner of the bedroom. She cried before she did it whereas when she did the right thing she was proud. Proud won out. I found any rough treatment such as squirt bottle or newspaper spank caused her to go berserk. She responds best (not great but it works) when I just tell her to get away from me and that she can't cuddle. She runs around growling and once in a while she barks. About 8 barks since I got her at 8 weeks. I tell her to whisper and put my finger over my mouth. I live next to a cat lover and she complained about barking before I got the pup. My puppy is super good. It is an evolving thing like a blooming flower.

January 20, 20170 found this helpful

My yorkie had two puppies and we kept one. I bathed them when they were tiny so he loves the bath but he was terrified of being brushed. But he is so much better now. Your pup is only 3 months old. Give it time. Just keep it up and def don't praise them as they freak out. Praise them when they are good if even for a second. Just try not to make it a bad experience except for their own minds fear. The mama yorkie was terrified of her baths at first now both of them jump in the tub every time it's bath time. Maybe use a toy they like. Anything that will lighten up their mood.

January 20, 20170 found this helpful

I still don't know how to do the top knot. I've tried :( But my female is getting a little more used to having her hair up. I just don't let it grow out to the length I want it to be because of the awkward stage of the inbetween length! How do you guys handle that? I use moose on my girl to keep the fly aways in place as long as I can.

September 12, 20180 found this helpful

My yorkie ricky hates having his hair put up. He rubs his head everywhere until it gets out. Baretts he will chew them up. His hair really silky so it hangs in his eyes. I hate to cut it and start all over.


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