
Safe Way To Get Rid Of Gophers?

My yard is full of gopher mountians and I don't know what to do about it. Does anyone know of a safe frugal way to elminate them from my yard?


Thanks for your help,


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By shyann (Guest Post)
February 13, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

If you have cats or now of some one who does, take the used litter and open holes in the gophers tunnels and put the used litter in there tunnels it wont be long before there gone.""

By Annie (Guest Post)
February 14, 20050 found this helpful
Best Answer

If you place an unwrapped stick of Juicy Fruit Gum in each hole you find....... they won't come back !!!

August 26, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

I put moth balls in Styrofoam cups with holes poked in the bottom, covered the cups with foil & set in each hole, it worked. To keep them from tunneling under your plants in the garden try putting down a large piece of "hardware cloth"'s like heavy metal screening; just dig down into the garden before planting & lay it down, the plants roots can grow thru it but the gophers can't pull the plants down and can't tunnel thru it.

March 5, 20050 found this helpful

We recently bought an small acreage and green horned enough not to recognize gopher mounds. So now we are trying to control them. My first try was good in just applying ground red pepper in all the holes or on about mounds. This seemed to keep them out of the yard for a couple of months. Ran out of red pepper (had gotten a big sack of it at the Oriential market) so I had juicy fruit gum and put it down every hole and again all was okay for a couple of months. I am going to grow habenero pepper this spring/summer as I think it will do the trick for most part if it is done regularly.


Also my husband is building a thing which you can buy called a rodenator which puts propane down the hole followed by oxgyen which is lite , then "boom". However, after the garden is planted I do not want him to blow up the garden. We also are going to get a rat terrier dog and maybe a cat which locals have said take care of some of them also. We also have a big deer population. I have wrapped bars of soap in netting and put them on the fence line as well planted garlic all along the fence line. Next I will put fabric softener sheets on the fence line.

April 20, 20050 found this helpful

juicy fruit multipacks, locate mounds, open stick of gum, roll it up, poke it with a stick down the center or the molehill, should work within a week, repeat @ all mounds you can locate, may seem cruel, but it works, the mole chokes on the gum or somethin, or they cannot digest the fruity smelling "treats" do not chew gum before inserting, hope you enjoy? lemme know how it works for ya

By Kinga (Guest Post)
November 28, 20070 found this helpful

I hope by now you have gotten rid of your gophers. If not put used kitty litter in the hole and cover up. This worked for me


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