What is the best environment for Siberian Husky and German Shepherd Dog Mixes? Here is advice from the ThriftyFun community.
Desert Is Not The Best Climate For These Dogs
We live in the desert and had Siberian Husky & Black Lab mix. He was always so hot. He'd dig in the dirt to try to get cool. While he hated water, when he'd get really, really hot, he'd go stand in his huge water bucket we had, not lie down, but just stand in it. His digging in the soil was what ended his life as he contracted "Valley Fever", a respiratory disease. We had to put him down, almost 5 years ago, now. While he was a lot of joy to us, I'd not get that breed of dog again, while living here in the desert, I would if we lived in a cooler climate.
By badwater
High Energy Dogs
Huskies are very high energy dogs so if you're not a jogger or plan to do agility, anything to keep them constantly busy, I'd go with a different dog. Shepherds are very intelligent and need brain stimulation too. If you're laid back go with a Golden Retriever mix. They are very happy just hanging around. Of course that's depending on what they're mixed with. You can tell their disposition by interacting with them. And a shelter is full of great dogs just waiting for you!
By Vicki
Lots Of Play Time
Hello, we own the same breed of dog and I agree that they need lots of play time and are very smart.
By Leaky
Lots Of Room
As far as the best environment goes, I would have to say that you definitely need a fairly large, fenced in yard at the very least. We have an acre lot fenced in and Jackson seems to love it. He is able to really get up a lot of speed as he runs laps when he is playing with us. Also, Jackson loves to dig, but it's been a year now and he doesn't seem interested in digging to get out of the fence. He just digs for the sheer enjoyment of digging. I am constantly filling in holes that he may dig anywhere in the yard. He also really loves going to the local dog park and running with the other dogs there. This type of environment seems to keep him happy as we do not have the time or stamina to take him for long walks or exercise runs.
By Lisa Robertson
Good With Kids
I have a 6 month old Husky/Shepard mix and she is 50 lbs. She is very energetic and lovable, she needs lot of attention stimulation and running room:) Plus she is a wonderful dog for my 2 year old son and she is very loving and protective of him (07/13/2005)
By kim
Advice From An Owner
I rescued a dog that I am told is German Shepherd and Husky. I typed German Shepherd/Husky mix into the search bar and was happily surprised that such a site existed. My dog is guessed to be 2 yrs old and she ways 65 pounds. Her coat is fluffy and very soft and her personality is sweet and playful. She is also a bit wild and hyper.
We live in the valley, too. Everything we have read has told us not to shave long haired breeds in the summer, so we haven't. She has a doggie door and comes in whenever she wants and always has fresh water available. Valley fever is a threat here to pets and humans, but it can be successfully treated with anti-fungal medication. I am sorry to hear about the dog above who got ill.
By Kim
Memories Of Lucy
I live in the Kansas City area. I've had dogs all my life of various mixes. Our last dog, Lucy, who we lost to stomach cancer, was absolutely the most loving, intelligent, and loyal dog we have ever owned. She was a German Shepherd/Husky mix. She was overweight at about 65 to 70 lbs. Size can vary and depends on many, many factors, the first being gender of course.
Our veterinarian told us when we bought Lucy that this mix is extremely intelligent and he was right. They can just about learn anything very quickly. I'd almost bet you could teach one to drive a car!

January 12, 20100 found this helpful
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I just wanted to post a pic of our beauty we rescued from our local humaine society. Her name is Jewel and she is a holy terror, but we love her to bits!

March 10, 20100 found this helpful
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My buddy got me a connection to one of these beautiful dogs, and I've been in love ever since. My pup Izzie is about 5 months now. She was the runt of the litter but she already weighs about 40 lbs. I agree with everyone else - these dogs need plenty of space to run and play, but they are one of the most intelligent dogs ever. At 5 months, Izz already knows sit, stay, lay down, and shake.
She is also potty trained, crate trained, and knows what is hers to chew on and what isnt. She is also incredible affectionate. I get a huge welcome every time I come home. :] I live in TN, so I'm a bit worried about the heat to come in the summer, but as of right now, she's perfectly happy.

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