I am having a company picnic, we have the prizes but want fun ways to give them away besides just pulling names out of a hat. Any suggestions?
How about the oldest or youngest attending
longest employed
lives the furthest away
married the longest/shortest
most children in their family (They need a prize)
initials spell something (DUH, LUV, ALL, AOL, etc)
wearing red tennis shoes (or anything you like/or unusual)
birthday/anniversary, etc on a specific date (date company founded)
wears a specific size shoe, etc
Play a version of Lets make a deal-must have a specific item in their purse or pocket
Have fun! Use your imagination!
Have a box with a slot in it by each prize. Give each person three pieces of paper. They put their name on each piece of paper, then choose three prizes they would like to win and put their folded up papers in the appropriate boxes , or they could put all three chances in one or two boxes, if they prefer.
Every year the company where my husband works has a three day combination meetings and fun weekend for all of the employees (from several different states) and their spouses/significant others. Last year at the main meeting they played a trivia game. Some people were elimanated and the others were put into teams of three. Categories were of the "Jeopardy" type. My husband and his two teammates each won first prize which was a portable DVD player with all the accessories, retail value of almost $300. Second prize was a generic "ipod". I don't remember what third prize was. Everyone had a really good time. I'm sure your entertainment/gift committee could come up with something just as fun. Good luck.
Martha this makes a good ideal for grand prize.
Either have the server do it are you do it before guests arrive.
Number the paper plates that guests well be eating off of.
Bingo is something that people of all ages can play.
you can also do something on the bottom of the chairs if they are not bring their own.
Get a square piece of styrofoam and stick a lot of toothpicks that have one end of them colored different colors. Stick the colored end in the styrofoam and each color represents a certain prize. Or sell tickets for a dollar and put all the collected money from the tickets in a jar and the tickets in another jar and pull one and read the number on the ticket that was pulled out of the jar..and whoever has that ticket number gets all the money.
Our company puts everything in undistinguishable boxes and bags then when the name is called they get to "pick"a prize. We try to get a prize for everyone. Gift cards to well used stores is one of the most popular gifts.Everyone waits until the last name is drawn before things are opened.....maybe even some trading could go on to add extra interest a 5 or 10 minute swap time could add a few laughs
Or you could do it like a raffle. Everyone gets a ticket with number on it and some one pick those out and calls them. Its fun. And mix up prizes,