
What breed is my dog? (German Shepherd and Malamute Mix)

I'm trying to figure out if my dog is Alaskan Husky/ German Shepherd mix. I don't really want to get him tested. He's a great dog, wonderful mentality, very smart. It wasn't anything to teach him everything he knows. He is WONDERFUL in agility and he has great table manners. He is about 22in and 165lbs.


He's gotten really stalky. I also think he is either 3 or 4. I wasn't able to kennel train him and I'm wondering why. He freaked out when we placed him in a kennel and tore it up. He would get out and tear up the door. Same thing when we placed him on the deck and he loves the deck. He had to be in the house outside of a cage. Now that we do that he is fine. He doesn't do anything.

I also wanted to know if Epilepsy is prevalent in any of these breeds. When I received him he was very malnourished and his shots where not done, he was 7-9 months old. A vet that I went to said that he would be Epileptic because he was anemic, had heart worms, hook worms, intestinal worms, ring worm and a lot of more things. and all the treatment that he had to go through seems to have made him epileptic. He has seizures maybe once every 2 or 3 months. He is very active. It's almost like he forgets he has it. You know it hurts him and you know he can here you because he responds right after its over. They last for about 60sec - 2 min. Let me know if you know anything.

He's my rescue puppy. My easter present... and the love of my life. :-)

Also if you just have random info I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in Advance.

Tiffany from Statesboro GA

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April 3, 20080 found this helpful

He's a beauty! He's definitely German Shep. I don't know what else, but are you sure about 165 lbs? That's a huge animal. Maybe he's part Malamute. They get quite large. You're vet could probably give you a good idea what he is just by looking at him. Vets see so many dogs.
So sorry he's been through so much. Maybe he'll get over his seizures with your TLC. Did the vet give you medicine for them? My dogs don't say in cages, but they are very good in the house. I have a german shepherd female, age 1. She's full german shepherd. I have a white Alaskan husky (part Malamute, but not big like Malamute's), and also have a beagle mix.


You're dog is a beautiful animal whatever he is. How blessed you are to have him. Enjoy!

April 3, 20080 found this helpful

Gorgeous dog! Seizures can be controlled with phenobarbitol, which is inexpensive. It does have some unpleasant side effects (my dog peed a lot, so she had to be kept in kitchen when I was away during the day, also my dog became more "food aggressive" from the phenobarb) You may want a second veterinary doesn't sound like your vet is giving you many answers. I am lucky to live in a city with one of the top vet schools in the country and we have excellent vets and specialists in the area. If you can get a referral, I would do so. See a vet who specializes or at least works with many dogs with neurological problems, even better: if you have a vet school near Statesboro, that would be the place to take him for a consultation.


I agree with the other feedback, he is too big for a shepherd/husky.....probably does have Malamute. Another good resource would be to find a Malamute website or chat room and see if anyone can give you specific answers about the breed and seizures. All seizures are not caused by epilepsy. Can also be related to tumors on the brain, which was what my dog developed at age 11. She lived another 3 years, on meds, but the meds took a toll on her. Good luck and do try to find a more specialized vet.

April 3, 20080 found this helpful

I agree your dog is part German Shepard, but I'm guessing the other part is Akita.

Good luck with the seizures, ask around your area for other vets, I recently switched vets and my new one is much more open to other ideas.


The University of Georgia has a great Vet School. My Dad lives in Monticello recently took one of their animals there and got answers they wouldn't of gotten from their regular vet.

Good Luck

April 3, 20080 found this helpful

I would bet money on German Shepard, and he is beautiful! What a pretty face, he looks kind and gentle, not menacing like some shepherds can. I don't see Husky in him at all. Another big characteristic of Germans is their stance, they tend to have shorter hind legs that make them look like they are crouching. You should be able to see an example of this on the net with no problem.


As for the seizures, I doubt that it comes from the breed, more likely his background from what you said. I don't know much about this in dogs, but in people they aren't painful, the people never remember them, they are just confused after and often have a headache or are tired and groggy. I am surprised your vet hasn't given him meds for that but it may not be practical for him for whatever reason.

As far as the crate training goes, people usually start crating a puppy to give the puppy more security when they are alone, so they don't have such a big scary world to deal with all by themselves. When you start trying to crate an older dog who isn't used to being confined, you aren't offering security, you are putting them in jail.

By munchkinmomx3 (Guest Post)
April 3, 20080 found this helpful

Gorgeous dog--Definitely shepherd, and the coat does look rather like an Alaskan breed, but my guess would be Malamute due to the size. 165 pounds is one large boy.

April 3, 20080 found this helpful

I'm sorry he is only 65lbs... it was a mistake on my part...

By Donna (Guest Post)
April 3, 20080 found this helpful

He is a beautiful dog. He looks like a german shepard with husky mix.

April 4, 20080 found this helpful

Hi Tiffany - I'm also from Statesboro. I think there's a vet. school in Augusta that might be able to treat your beautiful dog for his seizures, for less than the local vets.

By Sally E. Greer (Guest Post)
April 4, 20080 found this helpful

HI..I agree with the person above, being Malmute and German Sh. Your dog might have had Parvo when he was young and beat it, sometimes the after affects being seizures the rest of his life. If he comes out of them Ok and only has them infrequently, I wouldn't worry. He sure is a handsome guy!

By Pam (Guest Post)
May 29, 20080 found this helpful

Hi, Just put down my almost-14-year old Pomeranian. She had seizures for 7 years......controlled with meds. The vet had her on Phenobarbitol twice a day.
Your dog is beautiful and I know you will enjoy him. I am not sure I want another dog...right now! The medication is really cheap....and worth not seeing them go through the seizures. My dog lost control of her urine when she had a seizure and as she got older they got worse....she was only 10 pounds so I could grab her and hold her.
Check with your vet and enjoy that animal. He looks so regal and happy!

By Duke (Guest Post)
November 5, 20080 found this helpful

Your dog looks to be a relation of my dog who I have been told is a German Shepard Malamute mix. Whether or not I was told correctly, I have been happy to believe the doctor who informed me that mine was a malamute/Shepard mix! Oddly enough, my dog Duke has had seizures as well (he is on phenobarbital). Note about seizures (from an owner not an expert); I have found that if I remain as calm as possible, it seems to help in Duke's coming out of his seizures less freaked out. Also, Duke is now 10 years old but appears to be 6! May the above information help you in possibly confirming your very beautiful dog's breed and also that there is hope that he will live a long life with seizures (as well as being a large breed).

By lucca (Guest Post)
December 11, 20080 found this helpful

Your dog is certainly Malamute Shepperd mix. He is identical to my own Shep/ Mala mix who has yet to reach maturity. Not sure how big he's going to get, he was 11kg at 3 months.

By jessica (Guest Post)
December 23, 20080 found this helpful

I had a German Shep. Malamute Husky mix. She looked just like both. But your furry friend there shows a lot of Shep in him, so it's harder to say what else he would be. If he is part malamute, he hides it well, it's hard to see. My dog was really furry like a malamute and colored like a Shep. but your friend just looks like a Shep.


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