
Baby Stains on Clothing?

All my black shirts are being ruined from baby spit-up (and whatever else). These stains are the black on black type. Does anyone know how to fix it? I am supposed to wear black shirts so my baby can focus on my face better (he is visually impaired). The stains aren't a huge problem but it would be nice to look clean and well put together if someone stops by, etc.


Thank you for your help!
Starchild in VT

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By TP (Guest Post)
June 1, 20070 found this helpful

collect all of them & dye (zB dylon) black in the washing machine at 60° that should solve the problem. if 1x black doesn´t do the job try to "overdye" with dark blue.

By Lee-Ann (Guest Post)
June 1, 20070 found this helpful

I have raised 3 babies and work with moms and newborns as well, so I think I have tried just about every product out there for baby stains. The very best thing I found was Sunlight Laundry Bar. I am from Canada, but I think Naps Feltha (is that the right name?) is comparable in the U.S. Rinse what you can in the sink, rub in a little soap and leave until you pop it in the laundry.

By castorswind (Guest Post)
June 5, 20070 found this helpful

I use a product called "Greased Lightning" which I buy at Walmart. I have used it for everything from grease stains on my t-shirts to human stains on my scrub tops and pants. I have used it on dark colors and it has never fadded the colors.


If the stains have been on your shirts for a while, spray the stains liberally, let them sit over night and then launder. Some stains might take a second treatment, but, it has always worked for me. Good Luck.

By Katrina (Guest Post)
June 10, 20070 found this helpful

I've heard that Oxyclean works very well. The kind where you soak your clothes in a bucket for a specified amount of time.


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