A: Air-condition your home.
B: Bathroom mold and mildew can cause allergy symptoms; scrub sinks and fixtures regularly.
C: Cats and dogs can cause runny eyes and sneezing. If you have pets, brush them outside daily. Use a bristle brush if your pet has a short coat, use a shedding blade and a flea comb if your pet has a medium-length coat, and use a shedding blade and a wire bristle brush if your pet has a long coat (better yet, keep the long coated breeds clipped) Talk to your doctor about pet allergen testing, shots, desensitization, and other new technology.
D: Damp mop hard surface floors at least once a week.
E: Enclose your fireplace; avoid smoke and fumes and don't store wood indoors.
F: Fluff-dry drapes, curtains, and small rugs in your dryer to keep them dust-free.
G: Go see your allergist regularly.
H: High-efficiency, non-electronic, ozone-free air cleaners can remove up to 99% of airborn contaminants from circulation. Get one for your home or office.
I: Invest in an efficient kitchen exhaust fan.
J: Junior's fabric toys can trap dust and other irritants -- keep them clean.
K: Keep emergency medication handy, but out of reach of small children.
L: Leave trees and planes alone during allergy season, or wear a surgical mask to reduce the pollen you inhale.
M: Mattresses should be vacuumed regularly (be sure to pay particular attention to the seams) Pillows and other bedding should be made of non-allergenic synthetic fibers.
N: Notify the school nurse and teachers of your children's allergies and symptoms. Provide emergency phone numbers if your child has a serious problem with allergies.
O: Outdoor activities should be minimized during allergy season. Stay indoors in an air-conditioned area whenever possible.
P: Proper relative humidity during the winter provided by a central humidifier will alleviate itchy skin and skin allergies.
Q: Quit smoking! It's needless irritation for eyes, nose, throat, and lungs -- yours and others. I will celebrate my 16th anniversary of kicking the habit March 27th.
R: Replace or clean air cleaner, air conditioner, and furniture filters as needed.
S: Stay away from odorous chemicals and perfumes. Avoid industrial areas and high-traffic areas too.
T: Tile your kitchen and bathroom floors; rugs and carpets trap allergens.
U: Use wood or vinyl furnishings rather than those with heavy upholstery fabrics.
V: Vacuum your entire house weekly. Use Swiffer-like dusters on bookshelves, blinds, window sills, and above doors before you vacuum.
W: Windows and doors should be shut completely and sealed shut.
X: X-tra care is needed during summer months.
Y: Year-round attention is important to allergy relief.
Z: Zip right through the allergy season with symptom relief using common sense and all these preventative tips.
Source: Mostly Heloise, the goddess of hints and tips, as well as a few of my own. =)
By Laura from Long Beach, CA