Make turkey decorations from construction paper or fun foam - not your typical trace your hand turkey design!
- you need a total of 3 hand shaped pieces
- one gourd shaped, think small round on the top of a fat bottom round (like a number 8)
- small feathers
- wiggle eyes
- yellow or brown pipe cleaners
- feet, beak
- white glue
To Assemble:
- Use the gourd shape for the birds body and on each side attach one hand for the feathers - then the 3rd hand on the bottom (large end of gourd.)
- Use the colored craft feathers behind the head, wings, and bottom.
- Make spiral shapes for the 2 legs out of pipe cleaners (wrap around a pencil).
- Make feet to attach at the end of the pipe cleaner - like 3 rounded toes.
- Make beak- think v shape with rounded top.
- Attach wiggle eyes close together at the top of beak.
- You can embellish further if desired by adding a stick under the feet so he looks like he's standing on a perch - and ribbons to the end of the stick to go up to a point above the head for a hanger.
Almost any age kids can do this - you may need to do some of the cutting if they can't; or purchase pre-cut hand pieces from craft stores (but that's not too thrifty).
Fun foam is firmer than construction paper, but either will work. You could even use fabric scraps, but it would need to be glued to a backing like cardboard.
By Mary S