
Sleepover Party Ideas for Boys

October 6, 2008

Sleepover Party Ideas for BoysI am looking for some ideas for a Halloween sleepover for teenage boys. They are very hard to scare, they are 13 to 15 years old. I am thinking of having a seance and playing with a Ouiji Board - to contact the spirits (with some help from my husband to make things go bump in the night). Any ideas?


Angel from Catlettsburg, KY


By April (Guest Post)
October 6, 20080 found this helpful

Unless you want to open up a huge can of worms and invite every single spook within a hundred mile radius to your home (and none of them friendly) don't play around with a Ouija Board. It's not a game, it's real---just ask around. The best thing to do is to sit around and tell ghost stories, rent scary movies and maybe take a jaunt to your local graveyard. There are many places on-line where you can find local haunts, most of them free.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
October 6, 20080 found this helpful

I agree with April except on one point. I don't see anything fun about going to a cemetary. there has been so much vandalism in cemetarys and a bunch of kids don't need to be roaming around there.


also, as a person who has most of my family now in various cemetarys, I don't appreciate people making fun and desecrating the grounds.

By Pat (Guest Post)
October 7, 20080 found this helpful

I agree re: getting involved with Ouija boards. Please stay away from things like that. Also, I would not encourage going to cemeteries for the reasons the Glen's mom mentioned and the fact that some kids may not feel comfortable going there but may feel peer pressure to join in. (I have 13 & 15 year old boys). I think just some old fashioned fun, good treats --maybe a funny/scary movie, scary sotries etc. would be appreciated. Just my 2 cents.

By Cecilia (Guest Post)
October 7, 20080 found this helpful

You can host the spooky story get together in a dark decorated room - the more scary items the better. Take a large black plastic tub, that looks like a witches cooking pot - use cooked spaghetti as veins, grapes (pealed) for eyes etc and as it is dark start by explaining that a body was found down at the river etc and you were able to regain parts of them and they have to pass them all around the room. You can make two teams and the one that completed passing the things around - without dropping them- wins a candy apple etc. You can also get them to see who can tell the best spook, crazy or wildest tale and then they win a prize too. Our kids and their friend enjoyed that and then Halloween movies with pop corn afterward ... or ... hay rides etc.


Enjoy and have fun.

October 7, 20080 found this helpful

I agree with others. Stay away from seances and Ouija boards. Also from Cemetary's. There are many other ways to amuse them. Maybe consider a corn maze. Or rent some scary movies and have lots of treats.

October 7, 20080 found this helpful

As a paranormal investigator, I have to agree with the others, skip the seance and the ouija. There may be nothing to it, but it really isn't worth the risk. Instead, why not let the boys set up a "haunted driveway" or garage so they can scare the trick-or-treaters?


Let them decorate and pass out the candy, then after all the beggers are in bed, scary movies, etc. For my boys I just stay out of the way...give them a video game and relax! Diane

October 8, 20080 found this helpful

There are some wonderful older scary movies out there. The original "the Haunting" made in 1960 is in black and white and to this day bothers me when I watch it. Carnival of Souls was another one from back in the '60s. Sometimes getting an old Abbott & Costello-type film is funny. Kids today will go "awe, not a black and white, it won't be any good!" However, if they start with it and watch it, they'll soon find out that many of them are really quite good, and they'll surprise themselves by enjoying it. And the Abbott & Costello stuff is so corny, it's funny! My step-sons and I watched Face at the Window recently. One of the other boys' grandmother wouldn't watch it with us because she was scared to death when she watched it back in the '60s. However, when we watched it, it was so corny and "dorky" it was actually quite entertaining - not scary at all.


The boys were fascinated with the story. The boys will get into that stuff - really. Maybe you can rent some Alfred Hitchcock movies, or the One Step Beyond series or even Twilight Zone series.

The idea of spaghetti and peeled grapes is a good one. Even if the kids know what it is, it's still funny. They like to think that they can outsmart you. Have your husband (out of sight) rig up some stuff to move with a fishing line while you're telling a scary story, or visaversa.

Usually at that age, boys will entertain themselves. They love to think that they're grown up though, so don't be offended if they do outsmart you. They'll appreciate your effort.
(1x1 graphic )

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

March 1, 2011

My son is turning 6 and wants to have a sleepover with 2 of his close classmates. Any ideas on what they can do and how I can make it a super cool? It is his first sleepover.

By Sierra from Baltimore, MD


March 1, 20110 found this helpful

Indoor "camping" or "fort", scavenger hunt, making something "gross" like slime or goo or whatever they're calling it these days, building their own pizzas/sundaes/whatevers, a relatively short time where they just play together.

March 2, 20110 found this helpful

You can plan one or two activities such as what lah34a suggested, but don't overdo it. They will find plenty of "fun" on their own, at that age.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
March 2, 20110 found this helpful

Just having a sleepover is pretty exciting for these little guys. Having them all sleep in sleeping bags, like indoor camping would be neat. Have something they like for supper -- ask you son what his favorite stuff is. Little boys are easy to please. They might like to watch a movie in their sleeping bags.


You don't have to overplan for these guys. And be aware that you may have to take someone home before the night is over, if they have not slept over before. Some guys like the idea of a sleepover, but chicken out when it gets to be time to sleep.

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August 30, 2015

I am looking for some idea for a sleepover for me and my mate from school. We are both 14 years old and close friends. I brought up the idea of a sleepover and my mate reckons it will be fun, as it will be my mate and I spending some quality bro time.

How can I make this sleepover fun and enjoyable, and have him wanting more sleepovers? This is my first sleepover ever, and my first sleepover with my mate, but we have spent time over at each other's houses.


August 31, 20150 found this helpful

I'm pretty sure he likes you for yourself and the things you already have in common, Alex. Why not do more of the things you both like to do? Maybe add a suggestion or two about new things you could both try? Making pizza, for instance, or cooking any food you both like? Have a few movies on hand?

Have fun!

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January 1, 2011

I need help on an 8 yr old boy's birthday slumber party. His birthday is on New Years day?

By johnna from Joliet, IL


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 162 Posts
January 4, 20110 found this helpful

My son turned 9 on the 28th and is having a slumber party this weekend. He's inviting a couple boys over and we're taking them to the 7pm session at the local roller rink to wear them out ($4 a kid w/ coupon), we'll do cake at home first so we don't have to pay for the party package. A movie rental is always a solid bet and he's begging for us to let him have a nerf war in the garage as someone finally gave him a nerf weapon (something we've refused to purchase). I'm not so sure about that idea.

I was also planning to let them decorate their own cupcakes with small amounts of candy I'm picking up from the bulk section at the market. Honestly, at his 8th party they spent all their time playing basketball with one of those basketball hoops that goes over the closet door instead of doing any of the activities we'd planned, go figure. We'd printed some bakugan pictures off the computer for them to color and such.

Eight year old boys are often into Pokemon. I had a friend do a Pokemon party that was a hit, if your son and friends already have cards anyway. You could setup a round-robin where they rotate who plays who and purchase a few of the booster packs so you have cards to put down as prizes (so no one looses their personal cards).

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

January 1, 2011

My son is having his birthday party at home this year and we are having 12 kids sleep over. For some kids this is the first time away from mom and dad. With regards to some parents, I want to build the parents trust because I hardly know them.


March 19, 2010

I have my 14th birthday coming up on September 3rd and I need some ideas for a really cool boy sleepover party. I am able to use a pool with a diving board, if that helps.

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