
Identifying Small White Biting Bugs?

January 19, 2012

Someone scratching their hand due to bug bites.I have these tiny white bugs look like tiny grains of salt. On the hardwood floors, as well as, the carpet they look like lint. They are on my mattress encasement, sheets, everything in the house. They look like dust on furniture. I have so many bites that itch, burn, and will not heal. It is a chore to go to bed because I know what's coming. They are all over the house, bathrooms and kitchen. What are these things and how do I get rid of them? They are even on my pets.


By Judy


January 20, 20127 found this helpful
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Unknown bugs can often be eliminated on household carpets, upholstery and the like with dry 20 mule team Borax. Leave down for 2 weeks before vacuuming. 2 to 2 1/2 cups per average size room. Since they are on everything including hard surfaces I would also spray with pyrethrins which are also natural and not poisonous.

June 14, 201542 found this helpful
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Same problem! My hubby is the only one getting bitten/bothered. These are the things we've tried and they seemed to work for awhile, but when it got hot, and rainy, they hatch almost everyday. They are called Midges, noseeums, etc.


1. Put ammonia, 1 cup full strength down all drains, followed by 1 cup hot water. Leave. Repeat a few times each week.

2. Put 1 cup white vinegar in washing, on hot, dry on hot, put clothes in plastic bag, seal and tie until use. Even better, we've got a freezer and put them in there, including shoes for 24 hours, or until needed.

3. The thing that helped the most was taking Vitamin B Complex, and Brewers Yeast Suppliment.

The whole house needs to be treated, everyone has to pitch in. The bugs had completely left him alone until a couple of weeks ago when we had several days of rain, added with heat and they thrive.

You can also spray a 50/50 of white vinegar/water on everything, or 50/50 alcohol/water works, too.

Check inside and under all furniture, drawers, cupboards, etc.


And remove all nests and spray.

There is so much to this, I know. These buggers are next to impossible to completely eradicate because they hatch, molt and hatch again, several times. Each stage is a little bigger and peskier than the last.

I feel for anyone who had to go through this. It has nothing to do with not being clean or hygienic, and it's so hard when others, especially family and friends think you're crazy. Sometimes you think maybe you are. But I'm here to tell all of you... You are NOT crazy!

July 5, 201510 found this helpful
Best Answer

I probably never would have thought anything about the itchy spots or crawly sensations I was having if not for one night lying in bed looking at my phone and I saw a tiny, tiny white bug on the screen. It was a little hard to squash I almost thought it a flea but it had more of a hard carapace. A bedbug nymph first came to mind. I have so many other health problems that I take medications for allergies being one of them. So sometimes I get hives. Plus I'm peeling from a slight sunburn from a few weeks ago which is causing some itching as well.


But the appearance of this little white bug has been "bugging" me. Every time I get another bite, itchy spot or creeping sensation I'm searching for the culprit. I've searched my bed for signs of bed bugs. Some in my apartment complex has had issues with them a few months back so I am paranoid about keeping an eye out for them. And I have long hair and anyone whose ever had to put permethrin in their hair and use a nit comb knows it can be a right pain in the arse. So if my head gets crawly I'm so definitely checking my hair.

After doing a bit of research and reading the horror stories posted here I don't think all of these are the same little bastard of a bug. But I think I have found my culprit. And it may help a few people out there as well. Bird mites. Or even rodent lice. But mine is probably bird mites.


This spring I discovered the vent covering or my exhaust fan vent leading from my bathroom to the outside is broken. Making it a very lovely place for a bird's nest. Every morning I could go into the bathroom and hear birds in my belfry, so to speak. But now the research I'm reading is saying once the fledgling birds leave the nest the mites will go in search of other warm blooded hosts to feed on. Even enter through the ears and nose and mouth causing internal symptoms if left untreated long enough.

But even if you have black or red or white bugs it can be different species of bird mites. So get your homes looked over. Read this article and then look for a specialist in your area. I sure hope this helps someone out there that may feel that's they are at the end of their rope. There's someone who believes you. You're not crazy. And you're not alone. Blessed be.


Zepyrmistt1 AT

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