
Can a Dog Get Parvo Again?

April 18, 2010

A dog being seen by a veterinarian.My 4 year old Dachshund is having some diarrhea and seems to be refusing his hard dog food. He is still eating just not as much. He almost died as a puppy with parvo. I guess he is a carrier.


What are the chances of a reoccurence of the parvo? He was treated with a booster after a year old, but nothing since. Do I need to be concerned or wait and see how long he has the diarrhea?

By kathy

Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
April 18, 20102 found this helpful
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These are questions best brought to your veterinarian. However, just diarrhea with no vomiting is usually NOT a sign of parvo. I wouldn't push food. He knows how is stomach feels. I'd at least call the vet in the morning and get professional advice. I've never heard of a dog being a carrier of parvo. To the best of my knowledge they either have it or they don't.


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April 20, 20100 found this helpful
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Please go to your Vet!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

January 4, 2015

I had a puppy who died from parvo (the whole litter came down with it) After coming to terms and wanting a companion I got another puppy who had survived it from the same litter. Just earlier today he threw up that clear foamy liquid that occurs with parvo. I know the virus will always be in his system, but should it ever act up like that? He's still acting like a normal energetic puppy, but I still want to know if it's normal. Please help!

By holo


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
January 4, 20150 found this helpful

Read this Parvo info from WebWest animal hospitals:

I was surprized to learn that the Parvo virus is airborne-so is, obviously, very easily spread. After more research, the answer to your initial question is no, the dog has the virus the rest of its life but it will not reoccur. Having had Parvo disease, the dog is essentially "naturally vaccinated"-poor dog! Similar to Polio in humans-the irony here is that poeple who survived Polio as children are now finding new medical problems resulting from the Polio disease.


However, after a Parvo illness, immunity is very low and other problems may continue and new diseases may occur.

Note that diahrrea and vomiting are common difficulties after Parvo, the dog's stomach and intestines are very weak after the disease and will be recovering from Parvo and open to other problems and diseases.

You should immediately take your dog back to your vet for treatment as these problems can continue and worsen so other diseases may take hold.

January 5, 20151 found this helpful

Parvovirus is NOT airborne. This is misinformation that has been going around, so a lot of sites may have it. (They get their information from other sites.)


A dog must physically come into contact with the animal or it's body fluids or feces. It can easily become an epidemic in an area where dogs poop in the same area, or someone is caring for puppies with parvo and also caring for other dogs, such as at a shelter. Think "ebola", here.

The parvo virus is extremely persistent in the environment such as the yard and can be hard to get rid of.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
January 6, 20150 found this helpful

I would not panic about one instance of vomiting. I would be concerned after two or more episodes. And clearly the Vet would be the help you need at that time. Good luck.

March 28, 20170 found this helpful

Having worked in the vet field for years I know that your first statement is absolutely false. This virus can be spread via airborne.


Please try and refrain from passing info on without being certain of outs truth.

February 7, 20191 found this helpful

It is not airborne. I have a dog with parvo as a foster dog and all vets said no.. though it spreads very easily. I could see why you'd think that. When in doubt, ask a vet. People who have worked in the Field are not vets.

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May 31, 2019

If I took my puppy to the vet to fix the problem with parvo and she took all her medicine can she get parvo again?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
June 1, 20190 found this helpful

Immunity from parvo lasts several years. It is unlikely that a dog can get it again, but not impossible


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
June 1, 20190 found this helpful

Usually if your dog has recovered from parvo - it's not likely they will catch it again.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 1, 20190 found this helpful

My understanding from having a friend who's pup had parvo and survived, is they cannot get it again. They are supposed to have a life time immunity.


Double check with your vet to be sure that he/she agrees with my friend's vet. Blessings to your pup.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
June 3, 20190 found this helpful

The great majority of dogs that survive parvo have lifetime immunity.

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January 22, 2010

If my dog survives Parvo can he get it again?

By Ellyn from Marana, AZ


January 22, 20101 found this helpful

Yes, if the first illness was mild and they did not take care to stay up on vaccinations.

January 22, 20100 found this helpful

Well today I took my 12 wk old pup and they told me she had parvo. I asked him the same question in case my pup will make it through and he told me that there is a slight chance that she can get parvo again or can become immune to it.


So I would be extra careful and disinfect every place she was so she wont catch it again. And I am glad your dog survived I hope my pup runs with the same luck as your dog did.

April 29, 20170 found this helpful

can my dog get provo again

March 11, 20180 found this helpful

I'm so sorry, having a puppy who had parvo myself I know how hard it is. If your puppy survives parvo, they cannot get parvo again. I wish you the best with your pup, I hope he/she gets better soon!

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February 18, 2017

My puppy survived parvo and has had no shots. So it can't catch parvo again correct? Many people tell me many different things.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
February 21, 20171 found this helpful

Yes. Parvo is a virus, like the flu, there are many strains of it. They won't get the same train again, but they can get another strain of parvo later in life.

It used to be believed that it just involved 1 strain of Parvo. But now they are seeing many. It could be that the viruses have mutated.

My 4H group went on a field trip a couple years ago to one of our local vet schools. They sat in on a lecture over parvo. this is one of the things they professor brought up. You may also want to read this site, which is about the same as what they talked about at the lecture.

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January 25, 2015

Can a puppy who had parvo get it a second time?

By Liz


July 8, 20150 found this helpful

I had a similar situation where I thought my dog who had survived parvo had it again however I had been informed by a vet that my dog should be immune to parvo since he survived it previously I discovered it was hook worms which can mimic the Parvo virus especially there very frightening bloody diarrhea I went to tractor supply company and bought them proper worm medicine and they were better within 2 days if left untreated it will kill them dog just like Parvo I would double check with a vet both are life threatening

October 8, 20170 found this helpful

I belive this is exactly whats going on with my pups. Last Sunday one puppys stomache began to growl loudly non stop for a hour so I gave him pepto by Tuesday he was vomiting n diareah the explosion kind but never any blood vet said parvo negative but round worms and hookworms positive and that he had a bad gi infection. Hes 5 months old. One by one developed same symptoms but only 2 got deathly ill. The vet gave me 2 syringes of pyrantal dewormer on day 3 I gave one to the first and one to the second dog the next day they were both fine today is day 6 and there all fine except the last one who got sick shes ill. I think now its the worms and I gotta get the little one pyrantel asap. Also their diareah wasnt that parvo smell theirs was a rotten fish smell was urs like that?

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