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- Take cold eggs from fridge and set carefully into a small pan with tightly fitting lid.
- Cover eggs with COLD water (just to the very top of the eggs)
- Set tight fitting lid on pan
- Bring water JUST to a full boil (do NOT continue to boil!)
- Take pan with eggs off of burner (Keep lid tightly ON pan or heat will escape!)
- Leave eggs in boiling hot water for 20 minutes (at most 25), if longer yolks will turn green
- Then pour off hot water and run water over eggs until the water in pan is cold
- Let eggs sit in cold water for about 10 or more minutes until they cool down
- Put eggs directly into fridge or eat
There are 5 SECRETS to perfect hard boiled eggs every time:
- Start with cold water (so shells don't crack)
- Take them off of water as soon as the water boils!
- Do NOT take lid off of eggs until they are cooked (do not peek!)
- Don't leave them in the hot water for more than 25 minutes
- Cool eggs down quickly (if you do this shells will peel off easier)
Source: My mother taught me this. Before that, my eggs were always a yucky green color and either over-cooked or under-cooked!
By Cyinda from near Seattle
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By kayrayriggs (Guest Post)
March 31, 20080 found this helpful
Same method I use, and it works great every time. Seems like older eggs work better than fresh ones too.

March 31, 20080 found this helpful
I use this same process...but I throw in some ice cubes to cool down the eggs. Also, I have found that if I use salt in the water that the shells peel off even easier!

April 2, 20080 found this helpful
Yes, use ice! If you drain your cooked eggs and immediately top the pot with some ice cubes and cold water, it will stop the cooking process, you'll have prettier yolks and it seems to also help with peeling them.

October 2, 20090 found this helpful
I too start with cold water & put them on to boil on my electric stove. Once the water starts to boil I simply turn off the heat & let 'em sit for 1/2 hour. Perfect!
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