
Surprise Tomatoes From Seed?

I planted a tomato garden last year, but this year didn't plant. I have three healthy tomato plants that popped up spontaneously. Will they produce fruit?


Hardiness Zone: 7a

By John Prendergast from MD

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July 13, 20090 found this helpful

My self-seeded tomatoes have provided me with fruit although I don't think quite as many as a fresh new plant. Leave it alone and let them bear you some good tomatoes!


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July 13, 20090 found this helpful

As you may know you need to transplant tomato plants for them to make anything, good luck.

July 13, 20090 found this helpful

Yes, they will. That's how we get tomatoes every yearby ones coming up from last year.

July 14, 20090 found this helpful

They may turn out to be cherry tomatoes. We also live in Maryland, and every time tomatoes have come up on their own, they were the cherry type. That's fine, since I'm fond of cherry tomatoes!

July 19, 20090 found this helpful

You can certainly expect something from your plants. If they are too close together you might need to move some apart in order to get the best results. Depending on what you had last year, you might not get what you expect. If they were all hybrid plants, you might get something that is similar, but not just like, what you grew, as hybrids are a "man made" mixture.


If you had an heirloom variety, one that has been passed down through the years, it should be just like what you had before. Either way, you should have something good and what a nice surprise. Isn't god a great provider?

July 9, 20100 found this helpful

Surprise tomatoes: yes they will produce, same thing happen to me, last year. I planted 3 beef tomatoes and 3 cherries tomatoes. I discovered four plants growing on there own. I left them alone, to my surprise they were plum tomatoes, grown from seeds from last year tomatoes. :)


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