
Growing Ben Franklin Trees from Seeds?

I have a Ben Franklin tree which had several seed pods I just removed. The seeds are hard. What is the best way to try to grow my new trees?

Hardiness Zone: 7a


Susan from Scottsville, VA

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February 18, 20080 found this helpful

What is a Ben Franklin tree? I'm from Georgia and I've never heard of it. God bless you!

February 18, 20080 found this helpful

Sorry I should have explained. A Ben Franklin tree is a small version of a Magnolia. Has similar blooms but fall foliage is red/orange. Lovely tree! Thanks for the inquiry.

August 14, 20120 found this helpful

Magnolia is in the subfamily Magnolioideae of the family Magnoliaceae. It is named after French botanist Pierre Magnol. Franklinia is in the tea plant family, Theaceae. Not in anyway related to the Magnolia.


Plant seeds as soon as they are ripe - don't let them dry out. Softwood cuttings are easy to root. I have have two since 2002 and I live on Long Island New York. I love them.

December 1, 20181 found this helpful

I have just harvested 40 seed pods from my 2 trees - basically the ones that came off with no effort. To plant them immediately: on top of soil or covered? How deep a covering? Then where should they be kept? In the warm house or cold garage? How moist should I keep the soil?
Many thanks for any advice you can give!


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