
Rooting A Cutting From A Lilac Bush?

How can I start a lilac bush from a bush clipping?

Hardiness Zone: 7a

By ruth wheeler from Hunnewell, KS


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April 29, 20121 found this helpful
Best Answer

I took shoots from my 60 year old lilac bush last summer to plant at a new house and they are growing nicely. All I did was chop shoots with a shovel and stick in the ground with a lot of water. I didn't water again and never fed. No blooms yet but I understand it takes a few years of growth before they bloom.


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April 10, 20110 found this helpful

Lilacs put out shoots, little upstart plants around the base, that is the easiest way to start a new plant. I am not sure you would have any luck starting one from a cutting.


But I wish you luck, I have never had one root myself either in water or soil.

April 10, 20110 found this helpful

You don't bother with a cutting. I don't know if this is true or not but I took shoots from a friend, planted in 5 spots, and the one that did the best was the one I planted 2 together. Be careful if you weed and feed, I got to close to them and they turned black on me. Hoping they come back this year.

April 10, 20110 found this helpful

I am always taking cuttings from people, and have found that they only root at certain times, I think in spring, and you will need root starter.


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