
Angel (Tortoise Shell)

Angel is a 4 year old Tortoise Shell. I bought her from a lady who lived on a farm. We had another Tortie who passed away and Angel helped to fill that empty spot. She loves to play with string and she has a favorite toy mouse that she carries around the house and even sleeps with it.


She also loves to drink water from the faucet. She greets my husband every morning and cries until he turns it on for her.

Angel (Tortoise Shell)

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Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 104 Posts
March 20, 20090 found this helpful

The tortoise shell cats are so pretty. This is my cat Rose. She started showing up from across the road. She'd been dropped off. They look amazingly alike.

March 20, 20090 found this helpful

She's a beauty too! I just love the torties.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 146 Posts
March 22, 20090 found this helpful

Hi Kim,

We have 3 Grand Kitties all female, all tortoise babies and they are not quite as dark as your Angel, but they are such sweet tempered girls that we love them dearly. All together, our son and his wife have 6 kitties, all rescued from animal shelters, and surprisingly, they all love one


another and they love our one cat who travels everywhere with us. You'd think they were all litter-mates, but no too are related except by the love they have for one another. We are definitely "cat people" and are blessed to have them in our lives. Thank you for sharing your Angel with us.

All the best,
Julia in Coconut Creek, FL.

March 22, 20090 found this helpful

We purchased a Cat It brand drinking fountain for our kitties several months ago and the just love it. We initially bought it because we were looking for a water bowl that was large and heavy enough that they could not turn it over. When talking with a colleague, she told me that cats actually prefer to drink running water, so maybe that's why they seem to like it so much. Ours is not nearly as large or fancy as this one, but it is the same brand.



Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
March 28, 20090 found this helpful

Angel is lovely. I was owned by Allie Mae she was a long hair tortie almost like a main coon so much hair. She was CRAZY but loving. She had many many toys but loved her little stuffed lion with a pretty mane that she groomed and carried around so it could be in the room she was in. She loved bath time best. She HATED mailmen and would growl when they came up to the door. I also had one short hair like yours that was dropped off on the road. They made a great pair. I miss them both.
That is why I kept Meeowmom for them. I now have a doggie. Please hug n kiss Angel for me a million times.
=^,,^= =^..^=


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