My neighbor's cat runs loose in my backyard . She poops, is ruining my garden, and kills the birds. I have spoken to the owners several times. I don't see the cat for a few days then she's back. I have even phoned them to come get their cat.
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I would get a water gun and whenever you see the cat spray it. It won't hurt the cat and after a couple times he won't be back.
You can also put orange or other citrus peels in the places the cat poops or likes to lay. Most cats don't like the citrus smell. There are also cat repellent pellets that you can buy that work quite well, but the orange peel would be cheaper.
Do not use moth balls. They are horrible and smell much worse than the cat poop, and are far more toxic.
If you can grab her, tie a bell around her neck & the birds will be safe.
I'd spray her with the water hose.
Fill a plastic bottle (such as ketchup) that has a 'squirt' top. Keep it handy and give the cat a good watering when you see it in your yard. After a few shots, he will find the pleasure is not worth the penalty!
i would also spray her with water. i also have heard they dont like aluminum foil on their paws. maybe put that in places you have found her foot prints.
we always had cats but were responsible owners
when I have run into this problem
supersoakers worked fine
usually 2 soaks and cat was no longer interested
in my yard plus this is not hurting the cat
I also once had ugly black birds coming to
poop on my deck so I would shake a tin
can with rocks in it this would also work
just shake and the noise drives them away
good luck
we always had cats but were responsible owners
when I have run into this problem
supersoakers worked fine
usually 2 soaks and cat was no longer interested
For the garden I read somewhere to put prickly rose canes/branches on the ground and the cat won't want to dig there to void.
I usually clap my hands at the cats, and they run away.
There are motion-activated sprayers that attach to your hose and are staked into the ground...when the cat walks in it's range, it will start squirting the area down, and away goes the cat. Just Google "motion-activated sprayers". There are many links. I like "the Scarecrow" sprayer best. And bless you for not being mean to the cat.
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