
Homemade Aphid Repellant


I am looking for a homemade aphid repellant recipe. I know I have used one before but the recipe has escaped me.




Try this recipe for getting rid of aphids:

  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 small onion (finely chopped)
  • 1 tablespoon of Ivory dish soap
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  • 2 cups of water

Combine these ingredients into a blender or food processor on high. Strain the pulp from the liquid using cheesecloth, a nylon stocking or a fine-meshed colander. Pour the remaining liquid into a spray bottle and spray it directly on flowers or plants to control aphids. Another easy method is to use a strong spray from a garden hose every few days until the aphids are no longer visible.

Homemade Aphid Repellant

About The Author: Ellen Brown is our Green Living and Gardening Expert. Click here to ask Ellen a question! Ellen Brown is an environmental writer and photographer and the owner of Sustainable Media, an environmental media company that specializes in helping businesses and organizations promote eco-friendly products and services. Contact her on the web at

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By Eulice (Guest Post)
April 27, 20040 found this helpful

One of your best and safest bets is simply water! Confine its use to infested plants only--you may succeed in dislodging so many aphids that you won't have to use anything more toxic.


Aphids so rudely dislodged generally will not return.

By Toni K. (Guest Post)
April 27, 20040 found this helpful

One of the easiest is to just put 2 T. dishwashing detergent and mix with 2 qts. of water and then spray on trees with a hand sprayer. Aphids don't like the taste of the soap but the soap won't hurt the plants.

By raspberry383 (Guest Post)
June 12, 20040 found this helpful

I use a solution of 1/2 water and 1/2 mouthwash. It works really well on roses and other pests on hostas. You have to respray everytime it rains though.

By tanya (Guest Post)
August 11, 20050 found this helpful

i have found that a mixture of capsicum and water (2/1) in a spray bottle sprayed directly onto the plants works with alot of bugs from the garden including aphids. also, if you are looking for a beneficial insect approach, lady bugs and hover flies love eating these bugs too. just wet down your plants with a little bit of water and release these into your garden and they will get a drink then go to work.


hope that helps.

June 25, 20121 found this helpful

To control aphids in my garden I just hang strip of banana peelings on everything that has any sign of aphids and they're gone in a couple of days and the banana peelings turn black so nobody really notices them when they're not a bright yellow.

January 24, 20161 found this helpful

I've had good success with lemon water. Spray and they're gone!

June 16, 20160 found this helpful

I use hot banana peppers instead of onion . It works.

September 22, 20160 found this helpful

I herd that you can put some garlic in the soil to kill the aphids. Is this true?

June 3, 20170 found this helpful

Is it really a big deal or differance to sub distilled vinegar for Apple cider vinegar.
I've seen multiple recipes with different ingredients.. Was just curious if it's allfairly fluid like you can kinda mix and mash from various recipes or is it fairly strict?


I'm pretty new at gardening and I really don't want to kill or hurt my roses please help.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
June 5, 20170 found this helpful

I don't think it will make any difference if you use any kind of vinegar. I use whichever I have on hand for cleaning and garden recipes like this.

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.

October 20, 20180 found this helpful

What the hell is ivory soap?? Remember you are on the world web


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