
Puppy Won't Go Potty In The Rain?

If it rains, one of my dogs has begun pooping on our new rug which is on wooden flooring and after trying "everything" to stop it we rolled up the rug. When we brought the new rug in they did not do it. They had stopped since the wood floors had been installed.

They urinate on puppy pads and my Maltese uses it to poop. One of my Dachshunds is doing it. When can I unroll the rug and try again for the good result I had at first of no accidents? Any help appreciated.


By Donna Vendt from Baton Rouge, LA

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November 17, 20100 found this helpful

Some rugs have an odor that only animals can smell. They smell like tree sap. Smell the underside of the carpet and see if you can detect a "glue" smell, if so, your dog will probably keep using it as an "indoor potty", contact the rug store and see if they have a solution!

November 17, 20100 found this helpful

When I had problems potty training a dog a trainer told me to start taking the puppy outside at certain times every day. Tell the dog to go potty. This gives them a sense of routine and teaches them where to go. I was told they are still babies and need to know what to do. Once I started this, say every hour or hour and a half, (and immediately after eating) they seem to get better and within a short period of time, they got it! Even if they don't go potty, they do understand the routine.


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November 16, 2010

I have an English Bulldog and he is 12 weeks old. I am finding it very hard to potty train him. I am with him most of the day. I always leave the back door open so he can go out as he pleases and he will always go to the toilet out in the garden. The problem is if it is raining he will not go out and will just go on the floor. On rainy days I put down newspaper and he generally will pee on the paper, but he will not poop on it.


I have read a bit about crate training, but my pup sleeps in a snug bed in the kitchen. Do you any tips as we are moving into our new house shortly. He is a bright little pup and I have trained him to sit and give the paw when asked, but not so much luck with the potty training. Please help.



Puppy Won't Go Potty In The Rain

Your puppy sounds so cute. I love bulldogs. I've always wanted one. Anyway it sounds like maybe he just like the rest of us, just doesn't want to go out in the rain. You might have to put him on a leash and bring him out in the rain as soon as he acts like he is going to go. Once he gets used to going out in the rain, maybe he won't be as timid. Once you do it a couple times he should catch on. It's all about repetition and consistency. (06/05/2008)

Puppy Won't Go Potty In The Rain

I've had that problem with my dog so I just took her out and stayed with her until it was done. We had regular times (sort of) so she knew when we went out what was expected. I took her out as soon as she woke up, after she ate, before bed, and several other times. This year I took my mother's 4 year old dog that she could no longer care for and moved her from Mississippi (no snow) to our home in Oregon with 3 feet of snow!


That was a challenge. I just started the whole thing all over again as if she were a pup and she learned quickly and had her bowels adjusted to going at those times. Can be tiresome, but it can be done. (06/05/2008)

By Judi

Pets Dogs House TrainingNovember 16, 2010
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