
Repairing a Touch Lamp?

I have a touch lamp that no longer responds to touch. It stays on all the time. Would it be OK to change the socket to a regular on/off socket? Or is there more to a touch lamp than just the sockets? I appreciate the advice.

By emgoodrich from Pittsburgh, PA

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November 17, 20090 found this helpful

I would not change the socket. It has a sensor. The sensors do not wear out as such, the fault probably is in the electronics and you should not attempt a repair unless you are suitably qualified, as mains voltages are involved. Unless you remove all the 'works' and start from scratch to make a regular lamp with on/off socket. You can buy kits with all that is needed to make over a lamp...Good luck !

November 18, 20090 found this helpful

Just FYI you can also buy the little kits at menards that will make any (metal) lamps touch lamps. All you have to do is screw the little component into the light socket and then put the light bulb into that - takes like 45 seconds.


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May 8, 2011

We have a touch lamp that quit turning off and on at a touch. We have to unplug and plug it in at the wall to make it light up. Can this light be fixed?


By Judy R.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 290 Feedbacks
May 8, 20110 found this helpful

Go to one of the search engines such as Google or Dogpile and type into the search and ask a question of how to fix a touch lamp.

You can find answers to almost anything on the internet, it just takes some work on your part.

May 8, 20110 found this helpful

You can buy a replacement regulator at any fleamarket, or store where you bought the lamp. They usually cost about $5.00. I would not recommend trying to change it yourself unless you are handy with tools. I am speaking from experience.

May 10, 20110 found this helpful

Yes, same thing happened to my two sofa side-table lamps.
My hubby went to WalMart and got the part that holds the light bulbs but has an on/off switch on them and replaced


the old ones that did not work. We now have to turn them on and off but they work just fine. Be sure, of course, your lamp is unplugged when you are changing them out.

May 11, 20110 found this helpful

I bought a replacement sensor at Lowe's. They are only a few dollars and my husband was able to replace it easily.


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May 12, 20110 found this helpful

If you are not handy, you could plug the light into a power bar that has an on off switch, and use that as the switch. Easier and safer than unplugging from the wall.


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March 31, 20170 found this helpful

I would replace the cord with a cord that has the on and off switch on the cord. It is easy to do.

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