
Creative Potty Training Ideas?

My 2 1/2 year old won't go poop on the potty. She goes pee and has had no accidents. She will not poop in her pull ups either. She holds it in for days and days. I don't know what to do anymore. Can someone please help?


By Lacey from Ontario, Canada

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
May 6, 20090 found this helpful

Ask the doctor for his advice as this might be a serious problem he cannot help and/or each time your son does go potty praise him highly and make over him a lot during the day for doing what he needs to do and it might stimulate him into trying harder to do it more frequently than now. Are you providing your son with fruits like a few canned plums daily that help him soften his stool naturally?


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 149 Feedbacks
May 6, 20090 found this helpful

Here are a lot of helpful advice post from thriftyfun people on the subject. letting them pick a book for you too read to them while on the potty works good, just make it positive and say you will reward her with a sticker when she goes #2 and praise her for trying either way. and give more things with apples or apple sauce to help her go easier.


May 7, 20090 found this helpful

My youngest daughter was not interested in potty training at all. She was happy with things just the way they were. I, on the other hand was tired of washing dirty diapers. This little angels favorite candy was Smarty's, so one day I said to her "if you pee in the potty, I'll give you a Smarty" She was trained instantly, although we did go through a lot of Smarty's in the next couple of weeks:-) I agree with the seamstress about giving her applesauce to help her go easier, and maybe you can come up with some kind of a reward to offer her.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 119 Feedbacks
May 13, 20090 found this helpful

My grandson had the same problem. His doctor prescribed a medicine that he took daily and boy did that ever clean him out my daughter said. It was impossible for him to hold himself anymore, he had to go and that was that.


Ask your doctor for the medicine to help with this problem.

May 14, 20090 found this helpful

My daughter who is autistic did the same thing. I found out that she must have done a #2 and it hurt. So she would hold it for days. It was painful for her and us (her daddy and I). When we saw her trying to hold it in we would get behind her and push on her belly to help push it down and also we tried the prune juice and the apple. She hates the prune so we give her the apple juice alot. We also ended up giving her childrens enemas. We hated doing it but now she will go to #2 in her pull-up. We are going to try the potty training this summer. Good luck and hang in their I know it is rough

May 15, 20090 found this helpful

I have twins who are three, and had the same problem for a while. Something that worked for us was just letting them run around with no pants on. Sounds crazy but it worked!


They would be happy to poop in their pants, but would NOT do it just on the floor. Our nanny suggested this, and she's the best.

July 9, 20090 found this helpful

I had a friend who went through this. Her daughter would hold it for days, then when she finally went, it was painful and she would hold it again....a terrible cycle. Add fiber. Break up little pieces of mini wheats and sprinkle wheat germ and other fiber into yogurt, etc. She will really need to go and it will be much easier. Follow up with a prize that means something special to her. Repeat. You will have success.


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