
What Breed is My Dog?

This is my newest puppy and he was a stray that I recently adopted and I have been trying to figure out his mix, but it's so hard. What do you think he is mixed with?


He follows me around everywhere, he is goofy, smart, curious, hyperactive, and super sweet. I feel like he is a Chihuahua mix. His ears are smaller and my sister thinks he is a Schipperke Chihuahua mix.

What do you think?

By Cat from 90028

Black dog and water bottle.

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February 6, 20100 found this helpful

Oh, yes - we definitely think you have a Schipperke mix - the eyes give it away! I can't see your pup very well, but those glowing green eyes! I have a Schipperke/Chihuahua mix and her eyes are the only things I can see at night!


If he is part Schipperke, you have a very loyal companion. My Lily makes sure she is always with me and loves to play keep away from her mom! Here's a picture of her. Have fun with your new pup!


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February 7, 20100 found this helpful

Yeah, the picture is hard to see but I agree, it's at least part Skip, maybe all. We've had Skips for over 20 years and they're one of the sweetest dogs and soooo playful. If I want to do yard work I have to pen Noodles up or she'll drive me nuts trying to get me to play ball and since I'd rather play ball then dig in the dirt nothing gets done!


They love kids, too!

February 7, 20100 found this helpful

OMG Batman, is like my little Shadow, he follows me everywhere! Before I'm even up he's chewing on rawhide or ripping apart tissues. He also is so smart! He learned how to lay down in less than ten minutes. Your Lily is so cute! And your right all I can see are his eyes glowing at night!

I love this picture of him because he looks so suspicious of my other dog, who is so jealous of him! Thanks for all your help!

February 9, 20100 found this helpful

Ghost dog?

November 16, 20100 found this helpful

This is a new rescue dog I just brought home. I was told it might be part Pomeranian and Schepperkee. Any ideas from the experts out there?


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