Purchasing school supplies takes a huge bite out of our budget (and it's a free public education!) Each payday, I place $25 in an envelope to be used for school related expenses (supplies, lunches, yearbook, field trip, etc.) I have even accumulated enough to purchase school clothes from time to time.
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As this is my son's first year of school (kindergarten) we have to chip in for class supplies as well as his personal items. Luckily I got my list/paperwork early through special placement, but I found that at the end of July, many stores were doing special deals, like buy x amount of certain items, receive a coupon for $1-$5 dollars off school supplies.
What is Angle Tree or Operation Shoebox? How do we get to help and is it in all the states as I live in Mryland?
This is for norgeczech; In answer to you question about Angel Tree and Operation Shoe Box.--- First of all I believe both ministries are nation wide. Angel Tree is a ministry to children of a parent who is in prison to make sure they recieve Christmas gifts.
You can go to business expos and get freebies from each business, such as writing pads, pencils, pens, erasers, etc. The last time, I went, I got a tote bag, some wooden back scratchers, candies, along with the other stuff I mentioned.
You can go to several different places to get help which do not cost a thing,
They are Salvation Army, your Church, and United Way.
to help with clothes and school supplies.
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