
Extra Blankets

This winter we have kept our house much cooler due to the high gas bills. We have used some extra blankets on the beds to keep warmer. The best time of year to buy these blankets is right after the Christmas season. Blankets can be very expensive but you can find great savings on them after the holidays. You can find great savings on many other things at that time as well.


By Robin from Washington, IA

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January 2, 20060 found this helpful

Spend the extra money and buy a down comforter, you will be Soooooo warm. Buy two flat sheets, sew together to make different covers for comforter.

February 27, 20110 found this helpful

You're right, WIsgal! Down is so warm! And you don't always have to pop for brand new, either. I have a down comforter on my bed now. I think it's really only a twin size, too. I have a larger comforter of some other content used for a "spread" with throw pillows for made-up appearances. But come bedtime, I fold it to the bottom of the bed and use only, only one cotton sheet and my down comforter. I turn off the heater in my room completely (and right now it's snowing here!). Believe it or not, often during the night I'll stick my arms & legs outside the covers because I get a bit too warm! Others think I'm nutz an' must be freezing, until they have a chance to try out my warm-warm-warm down cover!


I've had it for years, and I got it for just a few bucks at a yard sale! Best buy I ever made!

WIsgal's suggestion of making covers (slip-cover? duvet?) for the comforter is great, too. You can have buttons, snaps or a zipper at one end to easily remove the sheet-cover for laundering. Saves having to wash the down too often. Although, I haven't worried about that too much with mine, but it isn't as fussy to do as one might think. I've gotta do mine soon, though, cats have been sleeping with me an' one is getting pretty old (has midnight-poops problems sometimes!)

Happy warm-fuzzies, everyone!

February 27, 20110 found this helpful

Blanket, comforter & Bed in Bags Sales are now! Most usually say the same price for any size. Buy the Largest!


You can flip it in half/ double it for extra warmth! Check out, it has free shipping!


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