
Cleaning Fabric Paint off Kids Hands?

How do you get fabric paint off of kids hands? We are making a gift for the teacher and I want to be prepared. Thanks!

Kristine from Elmhurst, IL

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December 12, 20070 found this helpful

Try rubbing baby oil or vaseline on your hands to loosen paint stains. It's much easier on your skin than paint thinner or mineral spirits. Keep paint from lodging under your fingernails by rub them over a bar of soap before painting. Prevent paint from getting on your hands all together by wearing rubber glove when you paint.


RE: Removing Paint From Hands

UBI thanks for the Citronella comment. I had wood stain all over my hands and no paint thinner. Six soap and waters with steel wool didn't work, but one dose of citronella took it all off - and smells better than gasoline. (09/19/2005)

By Phill

RE: Removing Paint From Hands

Try using goo gone. It worked with the paint we were using. It was permanent rusting paint for cars and we tried for 2 days to keep washing our hands. We saw the most improvement from the goo gone. Hope I helped (11/06/2006)

By Nicei

RE: Removing Paint From Hands

Try Pam, Crisco, any kind of cooking oil! I made the mistake of trying to wash off an oil-based paintbrush and got paint all over my hands. I was devastated when it would not come off with soap and water. Then I remembered something from high-school chemistry about "likes attracting likes". Oil based paints will mix with other oils! I grabbed my can of Pam cooking spray and sprayed it over my hands and rubbed them vigorously. Then, I got a good squirt of hand soap and rubbed! As I prayed, I turned on the water and "viola" the paint came off! I was overjoyed! Thank you Lord for high-school chemistry! Who'd of thunk it?! (11/18/2006)

By lynda

Removing Paint from hands (Best Procedure)

I took in all of your ideas, and made one crazy invention. First, get petroleum jelly, and rub it all over your hands, simultaneously rubbing, until the the lather becomes a greyish/white color. Then spray PAM cooking oil, or any low fat cooking oil in a can over your hands, about 1, 4 second spray on each hand. Then continuously rub your hands together, mixing the jelly with the PAM. Do this for about 2 minutes, than, get a scrubbing device. (i.e. a sponge used to wash dishes) and continuously scrub your hands. Do this for about 5 minutes, and no paint will be visible. Now, the sponge might hurt, but once the paint is off, your hands feel better! (12/29/2006)

By Jad

RE: Removing Paint From Hands

Kosher Salt or any salt with big crystals and any kind of cooking oil works great!
Took it off in under a minute and my hands feel very nice now. (04/23/2007)

By shana

RE: Removing Paint From Hands

Mineral Spirits works best for me or even that lava soap with the sand in it but I have troubles getting it out of my nails and cuticles. (08/03/2007)

By Eric

RE: Removing Paint From Hands

Thanks for the advice! I had some oven degreaser. I sprayed that on and used a soft-scrub pad to take it off instantly! (08/06/2007)

By Mike N.

RE: Removing Paint From Hands

Use butter (or margarine) and sugar (equal amounts) just rub together on hands till paint has gone. Wash off with hot soapy water (it really works!) (09/01/2007)

By cdcharlie

RE: Removing Paint From Hands

If that does not work you can always use generic nail polish remover. Works like a charm. (10/11/2007)


RE: Removing Paint From Hands

The cooking spray worked perfectly! I didn't want to use anything harsh on my skin and the SPRAY paint came right off! Thank you! (12/04/2007)

By Michelle Boise,ID


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 169 Posts
December 12, 20071 found this helpful

Since we are talking about kids' hands why not use some pan spray or baby lotion befor the fact? It seems to me the paint wouldn't stick to their hands and wouldn't harm the project since both are washable.

December 13, 20071 found this helpful

Actually if you use a good quality fabric paint, even if it has dried, it should just peel off. I use Tulip fabric paints and whenever I get it on my skin, I have just peeled it off. Make sure that both they and the surface they are painting on is well protected though, since fabric paint on clothes and other fibres may only come off if you catch it while it is wet or at least, before the 24 hour curing period is past.

By fr0g (Guest Post)
June 2, 20080 found this helpful

I had wood stain on my hands and I used Citronella aka lamp fuel took it off after 3 washes! it does work!


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November 1, 2006

How can I remove paint from my hands with simple food products from my cupboard. I have tried using turps but all that is doing is giving off a strong smell throughout the house.


Hato from Auckland New Zealand


Removing Paint From Hands

I use a little bit of olive oil and kosher salt. Just scrub and rinse, leaves hands nice and soft. (06/20/2006)

By Pam

Removing Paint From Hands

Years ago,I worked in a store that sold paint and we would use Curel lotion. This was for paint that was freshly on our hands though. (06/21/2006)

By Becky

Removing Paint From Hands

I have also had good luck with the salt and olive oil method, but even better is prevention! Avon sells a hand cream called Silicone Glove that I have used for years when ever I refinish furniture, paint, or garden. It keeps these messy substances from soaking into your pores and staining the skin. My mom has been an Avon lady for almost 50 years and she swears by this cream. I have tried others like Jergen's and Vaseline Intensive Care and they do help keep stuff from soaking in, but that Silicone Glove works the best of anything I've ever tried.


Make sure to rub it in well around your fingernails and underneath to protect those areas and let it soak in. It will feel a bit sticky for a short time but it will go away as it soaks into your skin.Then just wash up with soap and water when you've finished your 'dirty work' I think you'll be pleasantly surprised! (07/05/2006)

By Jo Larson

Removing Paint From Hands

Just use cooking spray like Pam and then scrub and rinse (10/30/2006)

By yoman56


February 22, 2005

Tips for cleaning different kinds of paint from your hands. Post your ideas.
Spray Paint02/22/2005
I found an easy way to remove spray paint from my hands -- I used a little Pine-Sol and it took all the paint off without having to scrub!
By Michelle
Removing Paint From Hands02/23/2005
Water based paint - use water, soap and a green pot scrubber, (like a Scotch Brite pad).

Oil based paint - use mineral turpentine, then soap and water with a Scoth Brite pad.

The mineral turpentine can be drying so moisturise well after scrubbing.

For wood stain I always use rubber gloves as its virtually impossible to get all the stain from round the nails - you have to wait for a few days of repeated washing until it wears off and it looks very unsightly - don't ask me how I know! lol!


By Jo Bodey
Removing Paint From Hands02/24/2005
I am an artist and continually get paint on myself - face, hands, clothes. In responsed to the previous post, I have a bad reaction to turpentine on my skin. I have found that if I wash off or wipe off my hands as soon as I possibly can after getting the paint on them, I can usually get it off with just soap and warm water for oil, acrylic or even latex house paints. The dark greens and browns are harder to get off, but with a little scrubbing, I can usually get them off, too, with only soap and warm water. I keep old rags handy in a large leftover plastic food container (no lid) to wipe my hands, one for my brushes and anything else I need to wipe off -- usually just worn out towels or dish cloths or even old socks or undershirts. This is easier on sensitive skin.
By artist
Removing Paint From Hands04/10/2005
Degreaser works great no matter what. Use it within 24 hours though. It cleans up anything and doesn't burn.
By Aaron
Removing Paint From Hands08/20/2005
While spraypainting a bunk-bed the spray paint went psycho and splattered all over my hands. I searched under my sink for something to get it off and chose FANTASTIK all purpose spray cleaner... it worked perfectly. I just sprayed it on my hands and rubbed it in and wiped it off with a washcloth.
By Errica
Removing Paint From Hands09/03/2005
To get varnish off your hands use lamp oil... i used citronella lamp oil and worked great. Remember to mosturize!
Removing Paint From Hands03/29/2006
I used thunder blast by (quick stuff) and with a little bit of wiping it took it right off! You can find the cleaner at dollar general. Quick stuff is a degreaser.
By peterbilt_freak
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