
Finding Aunt Jemima Easy Coffee Cake Mix?

March 19, 2008

A woman using a mixer.I'm looking for Aunt Jemima Easy Coffee Cake Mix. I can't find it at Walmart or Krogers. Does anyone know what grocery food chain carries it?



March 22, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Something that makes a great coffee cake is Betty Crocker Cinnamon Swirl cake mix.
1 cake mix
Add 1 sm pkg instant vanilla pudding
4 eggs
1/2 cup oil
1 cup water
Beat together for 2-3 m inutes.
Put in a bunt pan. Spray pan with JOY non stick spray.( or any spray with flour in)
Bake at 350 degree for 35-40 mins.

This is the recipe suggested by Nordic Ware

By (Guest Post)
February 19, 20093 found this helpful
Best Answer

I've also been looking for this product. Kroger can order a case for you. The individual price comes to about $1.09. I split a case with my brother's family. Hope this helps!


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
March 19, 20081 found this helpful

If you can't find it in a store, it is available online, $2.25 for a 10.5 ounce box. Put "hometown favorites" in your browser then put the name of the item in the search.

March 19, 20080 found this helpful

I haven't used this particular product. However, I'm from the "age" where we used coffee cakes nearly daily. I recently learned that's quite old fashioned and therefore now popular.


My suggestion: Use a Bisquik or equivilient-- read the box and there should be a receipe for some sort of coffee cake. A good one is simply the mix, milk for tenderness and butter for goodness, good vanilla because I like it-- sprinkle on the top before baking with a mixture of chopped pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon-- bake as directed on box.
give it a try....
good luck

By mzdee40 (Guest Post)
December 6, 20080 found this helpful

I cant find the coffee cake mix either. I used to buy it at shop-rite or path mark but they dont seem to have it anymore either. Help!
dee from New Jersey

By Susan (Guest Post)
December 14, 20080 found this helpful

Go on line to BUY THE CASE. They sell a case for $26. I hope that helps!

By (Guest Post)
December 24, 20080 found this helpful

Buy an aunt Jemima flour and look at the back for recipes! it has it!

September 6, 20130 found this helpful

I have very sad news about this product. I called the company today and they indicated that they discontinued this item about two months ago!

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