How do I clean rust off the bars of a metal dog crate (cage) so it will be safe for a pet to use? I don't know what type of metal it is.
Donna from NY
Naval jelly can also be found in automotive stores. Name brand 'Bondo' calls it 'Rust Remover' and is found next to other chassis restoration (dents 'n dings) products.
When I was a kid, my dad gave me Naval Jelly to use on my bike's handlebars. They were rusted and I was complaining. It worked! I suppose you would look in a hardware store to find it.
I would say a brillo pad as long as you rinse well and mother's polish is great for removing rust used them both for similar things
My son just discovered how useful vinegar can be on rust. He had a bowl of vinegar and water he was using to wash down his shower. He decided to put a few rusty sockets in when he was done and they came out clean after soaking for 15 minutes. They just needed to be wiped off and dried and now he can clean all his wrenches and sockets that have gotten rusty due to his neglect.
You can also use foil and coke. I know it sounds strange but it works. Just wad up a foil ball and dip it in coke and then scrub over the rusted parts. Rinse and good as new! No smells.
Just make sure you do this outside cause it will be sticky.
If you take baking soda and vinager the reaction should eat away at the rust. You can also soak it ok coca cola.
SOS Pads they clean anything and everything, the shower comes out fantastic and the dirtiest pots and pans but it removes rust too.?! It does it all
OK, so now the rust has been removed. Can I or Should I treat the kennel with a rust prohibitor, WD40, or something to prevent it's return? Of course, it must be a Food Grade product. for my furry friend.