
Remembering To Use Coupons?

My husband and I dutifully cut coupons every Sunday. Problem is, we usually have to go back and get them at the house once we get to the grocery store! Does anyone have suggestions for a good organizer to make them easier to remember to take with us?


Concetta from Westmont, IL

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By Liz (Guest Post)
April 3, 20070 found this helpful

Keep them in the car! As soon as I have them organized in my check file, I put them in the car I'll be driving when I go to the store. Of course, this means I need to remember to take them out and put them in the other car if I change vehicles!

By Diana (Guest Post)
April 3, 20070 found this helpful

I work with the lottery at a grocery store, and the lottery reps give us small folders that are used to hold tickets and playslips but I put my coupons in them. They're free, you just have to ask someone the next time you go by the lottery machine.

April 4, 20070 found this helpful

Coupon organizers about the size of a checkbook with divided and labeled sections can be purchased inexpensively at Dollar stores or Department stores. As you cut coupons or when you make out your shopping list, choose the coupons you'll be using and file them in their proper category within the organizer.


When you are done, wrap the organizer and your checkbook together with a rubber band. If you don't use checks for grocery shopping, put the organizer in your purse or glove compartment of your car. This will save you money in both groceries AND car fuel. ;)

April 4, 20070 found this helpful

I keep coupons that I want to use and know I have a real need for in a bright colored envelope. This is usually just an envelope that I received in the mail (the one I have now is aqua) I put my coupons in it and wrap a rubber band around it so it does not come open and spill out the coupons. I find this works well as it stands out in the purse and is easy to locate when I go to digging for it! I do change the envelope once the one I am using becomes tattered and ratty! I hope this helps!

April 4, 20070 found this helpful

I am obsessed with coupons! My supermarket doubles coupons $1.00 and under!
The biggest reason for not using coupons: the mess of paper scraps that you must carry in your pocket or wallet...etc.


My mom found these for me and they are perfect! multiple slots and outer calculator and outer pocket(for the coupons of the day). Once you get organized, it is so exciting! I save $40-$60 each week, but that's not the exciting thing: Many of my groceries I get for under a dollar, because they double coupons. I used to get my shampoo and etc. at the dollar store but with coupons I can get name brand for UNDER a dollar!
You can usually find cardboard organizers at the dollar store. I just saw a nice plastic one at BIG LOTS last week. Good Luck to you!
P.S. remember to take coupons out as you are picking the items up. I usually make a pile and put something on it so they don't blow away as I am running through the store ;-)

April 4, 20070 found this helpful

I have one of those little "portfolios" that holds a memo pad (the ones that are about 5x7 with the sheets attached at the top) - it has pockets in the left side for "credit cards" and business cards and such, and a loop for the pen.


I use this pad to keep my grocery list on - and tuck the coupons into the other side. I made a small fabric wallet with dividers made from old envelopes that I sort the coupons into, and then I pull out the ones I need for that shopping list and tuck them into the binder. The fabric wallet also fits in there so in case I have an "impulse buy" I have the coupons.

Since this is my list - I always remember to grab the whole thing before any shopping trip.

My husband and I are now using the reuseable bags from the grocery store and he suggested I put a pocket on the outside of one of them for the coupons. We have one bag that we store the other 3 bags in. it is working great and I am not chasing plastic or paper bags around my house anymore!!!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 109 Posts
April 4, 20070 found this helpful

I love your question. BE SURE you are buying the items on SALE, then use the coupon. I belong to the and so far this year I have saved over $1000 and only on a family of 2 adults and 1 toddler. I haven't paid for soap, shampoo, personal items etc. in years b/c of my coupons and sales.


Depending on how you shop - this might work. It takes a bit of time to set up but I have saved SOOOO much.

I usually end up getting 4-6 inserts from our "state" paper. they always have more coupons than the local. Always get an even amount so you can use two on the BIGIF offers. I organize pretty much by catagories based on the store layout that I go to most often. So I have crackers by meat coupons but that's the layout.

i bought a three ring binder and baseball can inserts. I match the pages of the coupons so I am only cutting each coupon one time. Do not cut each indivual or you spend so much time.

I like the binder b/c the same products are grouped together and when i see something that I thought I had a coupon for, I simply flip to that page.


The first page of the binder has my rainchecks, 10/50 off coupons etc. I also put in the entertainment book grocery coupons so I don't forget them .

The binder is always great when you go to the clearance section, you just look and see if you have a coupon.

As I said, it takes some time but it is so worth it. I end getting good, healthy cereal for 25 cents, good soup for 35 cents etc and etc.

Once I cut my coupons and check the list from the grocerygame, I put it my car. I also take my binder in every store (drug, target) that I shop so I can check out there clearance. Target recently had a deal going with Dove and I got over $400 worth of product for about $35 but I would have missed it if I didn't have my coupons organized and with me. Good Luck and it's a great hobby!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 109 Posts
April 4, 20070 found this helpful

it should say baseball card inserts

April 4, 20070 found this helpful

I make out my shopping list at home , reading the store ads that I plan to shop at, then attach my coupons to my list.

April 4, 20070 found this helpful

Use a business size envelope (or a used envelope from a greeting card). Write your grocery list on the front of the envelope and tuck your coupons inside the envelope. I`ve been doing this for a long time and it works!!

April 4, 20070 found this helpful

Hello Concetta,

I just use a business size envelope also. But to go a step further, I just keep it in my purse at all times. When I cut out my coupons, I put them in the envelope right away and clear out old ones. I try to keep them close to each other based on what they are for. When I make my shopping list, I use that and the envelope, propping them up on my purse in the seat of the shopping cart.

By BARB WEISS (Guest Post)
April 4, 20070 found this helpful

I use a clear plastic case,with a zipper. I believe it is or was a case for pencils I use index cards with the category written on each one.Such as staples,cereals refrig, freezer, personal. and etc. And it is just the right size to keep in my purse at all times. NO FORGETTING IT. HOPE THIS IS USEFUL

By (Guest Post)
April 5, 20070 found this helpful

My wallet is the coupon holder on grocery day. I just tuck the coupons in front of my cash so that when I am ready to check out they are the first thing I see or touch.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 407 Feedbacks
April 6, 20070 found this helpful

I have a running list going all week with the things I run out of or want to remember to get. Then when I'm ready to go to the market, I go through my coupons looking for things I'm going to buy anyway or might want to try. Then I tuck them in my wallet.

By Cathy (Guest Post)
May 16, 20070 found this helpful

I noticed a door hanger at the shops last weekend. It has pockets in it, and a hold to fit over the inside door handle. It should be fairly easy to make something like this if you can sew. Put your coupons into the various pockets. When you leave the house, you will see it hanging there and remember to take it with you!

October 6, 20090 found this helpful

On my grocery list, I circle an item if I have a coupon for it (which reminds me while shopping to get the right brand.) I then paper clip the appropriate coupons to my list. Now, I'm a little new to the coupon thing, but I did save $12.50 yesterday from coupons on $84 dollars of groceries.


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