
Dog Diapers Won't Stay On

March 27, 2013

I have been a big fan of belly bands for our Chihuahuas (they are the worst markers!). I buy them from They just recently started making new belly bands with a strap around the neck and it keeps the belly bands on the dogs.


One of our Chihuahuas always gets out of his belly band, so I'm going to try these. Hope this helps.

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I have a one year old Corgi, doggie diapers won't stay on. When she went into heat the first time we we went out and bought diapers to fit her. Unfortunately, they kept sliding off. We thought it was a mix of her long body and lack of a tail, so we got ones good for Basset Hounds. If you can tell by me being here, it's not working so well.Doggie Diapers Won't Stay on Corgi - tricolored Corgi with diaper


While they stay on in general, my dog thinks she's a snake and likes to slither over things rather than walk over them. Without a tail to stop it, the diaper comes right off when she does this. We tried putting a child's onesie over her, and while that worked for a little while, she eventually grew tired of having clothes on and used her little legs to wiggle out of it.

I can't have her sleep elsewhere because she'll cry nonstop, but I've had to get up enough times in the night to put her diaper back on. I'm getting pretty tired (in general) and of seeing my dog walk around with her soft harness on her bottom (my mother's way of keeping it secure until we can find better).

If anybody has any ideas that will work for a slippery little Corgi, I'm all ears.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
June 28, 20186 found this helpful
Best Answer

Our late daschund, Carmel Ann, wore human baby diapers for 2 years. Dog diapers were useless. She was 11 pounds and wore the Walmart brand size 1. We cut a diamond shape for her tail.


Unlike the dog diapers, the human ones stayed on and never leaked. Every now and then, if we didn't get them just right, she would walk out of them or pull them off, but when they were secure, they stayed put. It gave her 2 years of quality of life!

Read the weight when picking the size. After one or two tries you will learn where to cut for the tail. We made diapie time special in the beginning with treats. Later we would just say diapie time and she would waddle over and wait patiently for the change. Good luck! Hug your pup for me.

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Dachshund with diaper.My dog is a miniature Dachshund, so a little Wiener dog. She is overweight and has a pot belly. She is 12 years old, so she has trouble holding her bladder all the time. I have tried both disposable and non-disposable diapers on her, but her belly is so big it just pushes them off. She also has such a long little body it's hard to find anything that fits her properly. I thought of putting a baby onesie on to try and hold it up, but she is too long. Please help!

By Angel


October 30, 20130 found this helpful

Did you cut a hole for the tail to go through? When my female dog was in heat, I used regular baby diapers for her. The tail hole really helps hold the diaper in place!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 226 Feedbacks
October 31, 20130 found this helpful

Have you considered learning to "express" your dog? Vets do it all the time and can show you how. It entails squeezing your dog's bladder until she empties it. You do it three times a day and then won't need the diapers.


I dont know all the circumstances of your situation but this is a common solution for dogs as they get older. I have a cat with neurological damage that we do this for.

March 1, 20162 found this helpful

I keep a gentle harness on my 2 dachshunds all the time - and I bought some elastic ribbon, and suspender clips - I run 2 lines from either the side loops of the harness, or from the top ring on the harness, the suspender clips attach to the diaper via the elastic ribbon - walla - one skinny 16 year old safe in her diaper, one chubby 10 year old safe in her diaper - they wear diapers all the time unless they are outside - the 10 year old often has a clean (poise) pad, but she doesn't mind the diaper, and we are all happy. I order a lot of poise via amazon subscription every month - saves a bit, and you don't mind changing often.

May 21, 20160 found this helpful

Don't know if you have ever heard of the Do-Rite Disposable Diaper... It addresses all of the issues that you have with your pot belly dog.

April 21, 20170 found this helpful

Use a belly band on your dog and I put a woman's maxipad in it. I have a morkie and he marks all the time, so, when he's in the house he wears that and it's a wonder!

December 3, 20180 found this helpful

Is the Do Rite place still in business? I tried going to their web site and it says cannot fill orders. I think this will be wonderful.


I have the same kind of dog as you and the same problems. I think this might just work. Thank you.

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November 17, 2009

My dog is in heat and her diaper won't stay on at night. She is a French Bulldog and has no tail so the diaper isn't really working. I don't want to keep her just in the kitchen area and she usually sleeps with me. I feel bad making her sleep elsewhere she is already a bit mopey.

Please don't lecture me on getting her fixed, she is 8.5 months and I didn't realize her first cycle would come this quick. I need help; I tried putting a baby onesie one her and she just didn't look comfortable, so that obviously doesn't work. I'm using the non-disposable diaper (cloth one w/pads).


By ms. ana from Dallas, TX


November 18, 20090 found this helpful

I'm not sure what doggie diapers look like but we have used little boy's underwear/briefs on our dog backwards so her tail (stump) could stick out.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
November 20, 20090 found this helpful

I would never have thought of the little boy briefs and putting them on backwards! It makes a lot of sense and as long as not too small I'll bet that would work :-)

November 20, 20090 found this helpful

Same thing happened with my dog. She is a mini poodle. I used a pair of my sons old underwear (sz.2T) with a panty liner. It worked fine. After that I had her fixed.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 102 Feedbacks
November 20, 20090 found this helpful

We use "pull-ups" with a slit cut through for the tail nub.

August 9, 20160 found this helpful

Have just tried this on my Frenchie and it is working great. Thank you for the tip.

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February 13, 2013

I have a dog that is mixed Lab, she weighs about 80 lbs. I use the adult Depends on her when she is in heat, and they just are still too big, they keep falling down off from her back. I can't seem to find anything to make them stay up. Any suggestions on what to do or anything else I can try to use on her? The smaller ones just don't seem to fit on her right.

By Ellen


February 13, 20130 found this helpful

Drsfostersmith makes diapers especially for this purpose, and here they are:


You might also check for them as well.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
February 15, 20130 found this helpful

Years ago, when my family was breeding poodles, we used to protect the females by putting them in various sizes of baby sunsuits, the kind with straps for the shoulders, which we would crisscross over the dog's head, to keep them from sliding down. We used them to protect the females from the puppies when it was time to wean them completely, but you could also use the sunsuits over an incontinence pad to keep the pad on and protect a female in heat. A couple of our poodles enjoyed wearing their sunsuits. They would strut around proudly in their little outfits! The others didn't mind and they all got used them quickly.

Of course, it would be better to have your dog spayed. We learned the hard way that an unspayed female can have life threatening uterine or mammary problems later in life. This goes for cats too. It's something you should really think about, as it is a kindness to your pet, unless you are using her for breeding purposes.

February 7, 20190 found this helpful

i adore you!! I missed getting my dog fixed in time and she is just miserable. She hates "having her period." And I could never get a diaper to stay on, with panties or not. Then I saw the sun suit comment. I'm a grown woman with grown kids, so I tried to think, what would be like that? My old one piece swimsuit! It doesn't fit anymore, anyway! I put it on so the boobs are on her shoulders and fastened the straps under her neck with a hair clip. I hope this works. She sure isn't going to slither out like she was. Thank you!!! (She's a Brittany Spaniel. Just the right size for my old swimsuit!) Everyone, try this!!!!

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November 17, 2009

My pit bull is in heat and bleeding all over the house is there anything to do besides the doggie diapers? She won't keep them on.

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