Sweet Flag
Sweet Flag is an unusual herb in that its natural habitat is in shallow water. Its sword-shaped leaves are similar to that of an Iris, except that when crushed, they release a distinctively pleasant scent, its tiny, greenish-yellow flowers are inconspicuous, appearing on tall, cylindrical spikes.
sun to partial shade
Start Sweet Flag from rhizomes. Plants can be further propagated this way by the spring of fall of their second or third year to prevent rhizomes from becoming hollow. Grow them as aquatic pond plants.
rhizomes or seeds
leaves and rhizomes
Leaves should be harvested and hung up to dry in the fall. Harvest the leaves and hang to dry in the fall. The vanilla fragrance of the leaves becomes more intense while drying. Rhizomes should be harvested in the spring or fall.
ulcers; heartburn; kidney problems, anti-spasmodic
substitute for vanilla; rhizomes can be substituted for ginger, nutmeg or cinnamon.
repels weevils (leaves); potpourri (rhizomes)
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